The improbability of vendor tools to accurately interpret XML Schemas representing weakly-typed collection objects and mapping them to the correct native data types. 提供商用于精确解释XMLSchema的工具是不存在的,XMLSchema代表弱类型的集合对象并将它们映射成正确的本地数据类型。
Given the improbability of a hard landing in China, the swings of sentiment towards its economy are difficult to understand. 鉴于中国经济硬着陆发生的机会不大,对待中国经济的观感波动不定令人费解。
The improbability of a specified outcome. 特定结果产生的概率为零。
The state of being unlikely orimprobable; improbability. 不可能不大可能或不可能的状态;
Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions, noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds. 有终身职位,享受美国国家基金科学会拨款的科学家们嘲笑这种看法,指出这种根本不可能实现的看法是他们对未来事物的一种荒唐的预测。
America has also-less complicatedly-had its function for Europe, as the land of newness, roughness, wealth, violence, and improbability. 美国作为一个新鲜、粗犷、富庶、狂暴和想象中的国家,也作用于欧洲,只是不那样复杂而已。
Probabilities serve only and exclusively to determine the degree of improbability of the catastrophes that actually take place. 概率,也只有概率,是用来解释为什麽不大可能发生的灾难发生了。
We stood giggling at such an improbability. 听到这种不大可能的事,我们站着格格笑。
Their abruptness and improbability made us sick. 他们的鲁莽和不讲道德令我们恶心。
Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. 我们的想象力能够察觉宇宙的宽广,地球的广袤,以及我们自身存在的巨大不合理。
Such narratives cannot be identified, unless the improbability of the events occurring as related be shown. 这种说明无法确定,除非不大可能发生的事件的有关证明。
While I am aware of the improbability of winning, I was wondering if I would improve my chances by sticking with the same numbers rather than using the randomly generated quick pick? 尽管我知道获奖的可能性不大,但我在想,如果我坚持买同一个号码,而不是随机产生的快速选号,我的获奖几率是否会增加?
And improbability without breaking out of realm of possibilities. 以及这是没有突破性事件是不大可能发生的。
It means that the improbability of finding two people with identical iris pattern for identification, thus it is important to define a representation that is well adapted to extract the iris information context from iris texture images. 这就意味着在识别过程中不可能找到两个完全相同的虹膜,因此定义一种适合于从人眼图像中提取虹膜信息的表示方法就显得非常重要。