On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance. 表面上看,他们的婚姻似乎是个荒谬的结合。
But improbable events can arrive like black swans, that is to say, unexpectedly. 但不可能的事件往往会像黑天鹅一样不期而至,也就是说,完全出乎意料时就已经大祸临头。
But that seems improbable. 但那似乎不太可能。
IEX's journey is an improbable one. Their odds are no better than the average startup. IEX的发展之路并不怎么真实。他们胜出的机会并不比普通的创业公司高多少。
Perhaps most improbable, their sight improved. 也许最不可思议的是,他们的视力也有所改善。
We are a people of improbable hope. 我们是一个充满希望的民族。
Or it could mean one more thing-as improbable, but it was far more sinister plot. 再不然就是另一种情况,尽管可能性也不大,但那却是凶狠毒辣得多的阴谋。
Legislation on the question is highly unlikely; an improbable event. 对这个问题的立法是非常不可能的;一个不可能的事件。
There is, however, another way in which Mr Gingrich's high standing in the polls is improbable. 然而,还有另外一个因素会让金里奇不太可能在民调中取得很高的声望。
Nuclear war is not at all improbable once these countries get desperate. 一旦这些国家感到绝望,核战争不是不可能发生的事。
It is the result of a cutting-edge computational process and people's responses to it are just as improbable. 它是顶级计算机处理的结果,人们对这个杰作的反应是:太不可思议了。
His explanation seems highly improbable. 他的解释似乎很不可能。
It is improbable that he should succeed. 他不见得会成功。
It's extremely unlikely that two such improbable events would concur. 两个如此不相干的事件会同时发生是非常不可能的。
It seemed highly improbable he would return to work. 他会回来工作这事看起来极不可能。
This is improbable but not as remote a possibility as the market appears to think. 这不太可能,但可能性并不像市场似乎认为的那么小。
It's highly improbable that Norris will agree. 诺里斯会同意是很不可能的。
To call a thing a miracle is just another way of saying it's highly improbable. 奇迹只是另一种方式说极不可能。
Given its culture, and the soft spots in new GM, that is still improbable. 考虑到通用汽车的文化、以及新通用汽车存在的软肋,前一种情况仍不大可能发生。
It is improbable that she will go. 她不见得会走。
He came up with an improbable sounding excuse as to why they were late. 他为他们的迟到提出了一个听上去不大可信的借口。
And if you will join me in this improbable quest, if you feel destiny calling, and see, as I see, a future of endless possibility stretching before us; 如果你愿意加入到我这项看似不大可能实现的探索当中;如果你感到了命运的召唤,和我一样看到了一个充满无限可能性的未来展现在我们的面前;
Because it's highly improbable. 因为这是不可能发生的。
It's improbable that a lawyer would give such advice. 律师是不大可能给出这种建议的。
While that isn't impossible, I think it's highly improbable. 这并不是不可能,而是绝对没有可能的。
A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations. 以明显的讽刺和离奇的情景为特点的喜剧。
The journey that led me here is improbable. 引领我来此地的那段历程在别人看来几乎是不可能实现的。
If you are charged with defending your country, you need to be able to meet even improbable threats. 但如果你负有保卫国家的职责,你制定的计划就必须能够应对甚至不可能出现的威胁。
I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings. 我要使我变得美无伦比而又无所畏惧,仿佛我已插上双翼。