Those improbably large gains come largely from increasing sales in underserved markets. 这些似乎不太现实的大幅增长主要来自于服务水平较低的市场的销售增长。
No man is allowed to be a judge in His own cause, because His interest would certainly bias His judgement, and, not improbably, corrupt His integrity. 任何人都不许充当法官来裁决自己的事情,因为他的利益必然影响他的判断,从而可能有损他的廉正。
Not improbably, he had never before viewed himself as he did now. 他恐怕从来没有象此时这样看清他自己&这样说大概没有什么不要。
But no. the ball rolled sweetly towards the hole, improbably curving round, hovered on the edge of the cup, then tumbled in. 但是球慢慢滚向球洞,令人难以置信地绕着弯,在洞口停了一下,然后滚了进去。
She might, and not improbably would, have suffered death from the stern tribunals of the period, for attempting to undermine the foundations of the Puritan establishment. 她也许会并非不可能因企图颠覆清教制度的基础,而被当时严厉的法官处以死刑。
Cheating among the students seemed to be rampant as an improbably large proportion of them reported rolling high numbers. 在这项实验中,作弊的同学看上去有很多,因为他们大多数都报了一个很高的数字。
Recently, this prehistoric food has improbably become a trend beverage, ranking with green juice and coconut water as the next magic potion in the eternal quest for perfect health. 最近,这种史前食物不可思议地成为一种流行饮品,和蔬菜汁、椰汁一起,成为人类在不断追求完美健康的道路上发现的新魔力药水。
Square dancing has become an improbably hot topic in China, with stories on the dancing damas – not all of them flattering – lighting up state media. 广场舞话题在中国是大热门,但故事里点燃国家媒体的大妈们&并非都是那么招人待见。
I had never laid eyes on the apartment in an improbably pink building that I was about to call home for the next three months. 这是我头一次见到这栋荒谬可笑的粉色建筑内的公寓,未来三个月这里将是我的家。
So even if the European Council was able to agree on such an improbably ambitious agenda, its leaders would have to continue to outdo themselves for months and years to come. 因此,即使欧洲理事会能就这一志比天高的议程达成一致,欧洲领导人在今后几月乃至几年内也将不得不继续拿出更具雄心的措施。
But suddenly, improbably, one day the long-steed surged into action. 然而,有一天,那马突然跑动起来了。
We would instead travel with new cycling companions: four Frenchmen and a Swiss, all old friends from Hong Kong, and one strapping Englishman who, improbably, turned out to be my old statistics professor from university. 我们只好与新同伴一起骑车旅行:4个法国人和一个瑞士人,均是来自香港的旧识;还有一个身材魁梧的英国人,令人难以置信的是,他竟然是我以前的大学统计教授。
Improbably, a year later, the programme is decidedly unpopular. 难以置信的是,在一年后的今天,该计划显然已经不受欢迎了。
At times, as I can testify, our assault on the US market was improbably audacious. 我亲眼见证,有时我们对美国市场的奇袭大胆得令人难以置信。
Do you see that man over there with the improbably large biceps? 你看见那边一个胳膊异常发达的人吗?
Many operated legitimately, but some offered improbably low prices. 许多网上零售商是合法经营,但一些则提供不可能的低价。
Improbably, he survived, but he exhibited stark behavioral changes& becoming detached and irreverent, though never criminal. 令人不可思议地是,他活了下来,但是他的行为却和以前大不一样&他变得冷漠无礼,即便没有成为罪犯。
Not improbably this circumstance wrought a very material change in the public estimation; 自然,这种景况引起了公众评价的很实际的变化;
Born and raised in New York, he developed catholic musical tastes early on, with a collection of 10,000 records and an improbably encouraging father. 他生长于纽约,很早就培养了广泛的音乐鉴赏力,收集了上万张唱片,更难得的是,他还拥有一位支持他的父亲。
But the accompaniments might be from the Middle East ( chickpeas and bulgur) or Asia ( daikon, the east Asian radish, turned improbably into sauerkraut) or a gourmet fruit stand ( pomegranates, pink grapefruit). 但配餐可能来自中东(鹰嘴豆和干麦片)或亚洲(日本萝卜,一种东亚的萝卜,被奇异地做成了酸菜)或美食者的水果盆(石榴,粉红葡萄柚)。
Such support generally rests on the economic illiteracy of the "lump of labour fallacy", which improbably assumes that the skilled workers employed under such contracts have absolutely no other options except unemployment. 这种支持一般都源自于对“劳动合成谬误”(lumpoflabourfallacy)的无知,该理论令人难以置信地认为,除了失业以外,这些合同聘用的技术工人绝对没有其它的选择。
Kim Jong-un will either oversee the collapse of the state his grandfather created, or – improbably – a radical reform of its approach to economic management and state control. 金正恩要么看着其祖父创立的国家崩溃,要么对其经济管理和政府控制方式进行彻底改革(这不太可能)。
The major conclusions are summarized as below: ( 1) The upper-Triassic white micas characterized by low Si ( < 3.2 Si atoms pfu), indicates that the HP-UHP rocks in Dabie orogen improbably cropped out to the surface at that time. 上三叠统该区地层砂岩中碎屑白云母多以低硅白云母(Si<3.2)为特征,暗示此时大别造山带高压-超高压岩石很可能没有出露地表。