Here insurrection assumes the character of a plot; there of an improvisation. 在这一处起义有着密谋的性质,而在另一处又是临时发动的。
The most important of these is improvisation. 其中最重要的一种是即兴演出。
Soon, the dance elements faded into the background and improvisation became the key element of the music. 但不久原本这些舞蹈的元素就隐退了,取代之而成为爵士乐主要元素的便是即兴演奏。
It's possible to see that this period of improvisation is a sensible response to modern conditions. 我们能看到这样一段“随心所欲”的时期是对现代环境下的合理反应。
You may take a class in improvisation and it may open up new vistas-you see the possibilities here! 你可以参加一个即兴创作,这将带来新的局面&你会看到这可能的!
Study of Pentonic Tonality Development and Teaching in Piano Improvisation 钢琴即兴演奏中五声调式的调性发展问题与教学研究
The Application of Digital Multimedia Technology into Teaching Piano Accompaniment Improvisation 数字化多媒体技术在钢琴即兴伴奏教学中的应用
It is important to have a flexible strategy here with room for improvisation. 在这里更需要灵活的策略和即席创作的空间。
This kind of approach would be a great deal better than the desperate improvisation we witnessed last autumn. 比起我们去年秋见到的孤注一掷的临时做法,这种方法可能要好得多。
A jazz ostinato; usually provides a background for a solo improvisation. 一爵士固定音型;通常为一独奏即席创作提供背景。
Why did musical improvisation die in the eighteenth century, to be fully reborn only in jazz? 为什么即兴演奏在十八世纪消亡,而在爵士乐中得到全面的再生。
What is interesting in improvisation for me is the mix of musical universes, that are not necessarily compatible. 在我来说,即兴创作的有趣之处,在于可让不同的音乐领域碰头,两者倒不一定要相容。
Most of their music was spontaneous improvisation. 他们的大部分音乐作品都是即兴创作的。
He coached the young man in the theatre and developed his power of improvisation. 他辅导那位年轻人演戏,培养他的即席表演能力。
Improvisation was found to be accompanied by "a dissociated pattern of activity in the prefrontal cortex". 人们发现即兴表演中伴随了”额叶皮层的分离式活动“。
Zachary studied jazz at school and enjoys improvisation. 他在学校研究爵士和享受着即兴演奏。
( music) emotionally charged and intense and marked by strong rhythms and improvisation. (音乐)充满感情和热情,以很强的节奏感和即兴表演为特点。
But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. 但现在我们不再能够将国防事业依靠于此类即兴演出上。
Novelty, improvisation, self-expression, and blinding inspiration are not neoclassical virtues. 新颖性,即兴创作,自我表达和致盲灵感不是新古典主义的美德。
Jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker was a master of improvisation. 爵士萨克斯管手查理帕克是个即兴演奏的大师。
True improvisation is a thing of beauty in the hands of the masters. 真正的即兴来自主奏者手中的妙处。
Our desire to see history through the lives of great men blinds us to the real complexity of politics, business and finance, and leads us to find intentionality and design where there are only chance and improvisation. 我们想通过伟人的人生观察历史,但这种渴望蒙蔽了我们双眼,让我们看不到政治、商业和金融的实际复杂性,也引导着我们去发现意图与计谋,其实其中只存在运气和即兴发挥。
But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were less than enthusiastic about the performances. 尽管临场发挥对观众有吸引力,可是许多舞蹈评论家们对表演并不很欣赏。
Improvisation is one of the important characteristics and the soul of minority folk dance. 即兴性是少数民族民间舞蹈的重要特点之一,是少数民族民间舞蹈的核心和灵魂。
The other key aspect of jazz is improvisation. 爵士乐的另外一个重要因素就是即兴创作。
In addition, because modern dance encourages improvisation from the dancers. 加之现代舞的训练提倡舞者的即兴创造。
The oboist is well know for his improvisation. a musician who plays the oboe. 这位双簧管吹奏者以即兴演奏而著名。
It needed great powers of reasoning and improvisation. 这需要极大的推理和临时拼凑的能力。
A classic case of British improvisation. 典型的英国不列颠式的即兴佳作。