All I can hope is that the good name of the Bank will not be impugned in some way. 我所希望的,就是该银行的好名声不要在某些方面受到质疑。
Successive redaction of the Psalms they readily admit, provided the doctrine of the inspiration of Holy Writ be not impugned. 连续节录的诗篇,他们很容易承认,所提供的教义的启示神圣的令状,不非难。
The eloquent lawyer impugned the witness's story in the court. 这位雄辩的律师在法庭上对证人的证言提出质疑。
Well, I wouldn't want you to feel impugned. 好吧,我不想你自责。
Let the opinions impugned be the belief in a God and in a future state, or any of the commonly received doctrines of morality. 且把所要论驳的意见定为信仰上帝和信仰彼界,或者任何一个一般公认的道德方面的教义。
He could no longer work as a doctor because his reputation had been impugned. 他不能再当医生了,因为他的声誉受到了眨损。
This article holds that fault is a moral evaluation of the subjective state of mind impugned. 文章认为,过错是对侵权行为人主观心理状态应受非难的一种道德性评价。