They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness. 他们把这次车祸归咎于驾驶员的疏忽。
And, God be thanked, there hardly happens a duel in a year, which may not be imputed to one of those three motives. 并且谢天谢地,每年之中发生的决斗几乎无一不可归咎于上述三个原因中的一个。
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 也是为我们将来得算为义之人写的。就是我们这信神使我们的主耶稣从死里复活的人。
And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 这就应验经上所说,亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。他又得称为神的朋友。
My dearest Lizzy, I FIND myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday. 我亲爱的丽萃,&今晨我觉得很不舒服,我想这可能是昨天淋了雨的缘故。
Missing data were imputed conservatively. 漏失数据适当处理。
Therefore, the imputed environmental cost obtained in this project might under evaluated the potential environmental impact to the future brought by the current industrial activities. 所以,本课题计算的的虚拟环境成本可能低估现行工业活动对未来环境的潜在影响。
This sonnet has been imputed to Shakespeare. 这首十四行诗据说为莎士比亚所作。
It was a dislike so little just& every imputed fault was so magnified by fancy. 那种讨厌是这样的不公平&每种无中生有的缺点、过失是这样地为幻想所扩大。
Imputed costs: generally used to mean costs that do not involve at any time actual cash outlay and which do not, therefore, appear in the accounting records but are relevant to the decision at hand. 估算成本,理论成本,应计成本:一般用来指任何时候都不涉及实际现金支出,因此也不显示在会计记录上,但与要做的决策有关的成本。
Residual income is a measure of the centre's profits after deducting a notional or imputed interest cost. 剩余收益是对投资中心扣除名义或应计利息后的利润的考核度量。
And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 所以这就算为他的义。
The gracefulness so often imputed to cats. 优雅常被用在猫身上。
The uncounted money is in the safe. imputed service charges for life insurance 没数过的钱在保险柜里人寿保险服务费(虚拟)数
Baptism promises to the believer that as certainly as water washes outwardly, so also has Christ's righteousness been imputed to him. 浸礼对信徒的应许是确实的,就如同外在水洗是确实的,它表明基督的义已确实地归算给信徒了。
Mass Data Management of Digitized Virtual Human Based on Grid; imputed service charges for life insurance 基于网格的数字化虚拟人海量数据管理技术研究人寿保险服务费(虚拟)数
In the classic bubble, an asset ( say a house) can have a price far above its fundamentals ( say the present value of imputed rents) as long as it is expected to rise even higher in the future. 在典型的泡沫中,一种资产(例如一所房屋)的价格可以远远高于其基本面(例如估算房租的现值),只要市场预期其价格未来会更高。
It could only be imputed to increasing attachment. 这只能归因于感情越来越深。
He imputed his failure to ill health. 他把失败归咎于健康不隹。
Was the occasion and means of righteousness being imputed to him. 是纪念和手段的正义被归罪于他。
Justification is an act of God's free grace, wherein he pardons all our sins, and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone. 「称义」是神白白恩典的行动,在其中神赦免我们一切的罪恶,接纳我们在祂面前为义人,这唯独因为基督的义归算给我们,而我们只是凭信心接受而已。
He imputed the failure of his marriage to his wife's shortcomings. 他把婚姻的失败归咎於妻子的缺点。
In the last two years, an accounting analysis has been made of physical quantification of environmental pollution, imputed treatment cost and the environmental degradation cost for42 industries. 在过去的2年中,一份分析账户已经形成,它由42个产业所造成的环境污染,治理费用和环境退化的实质定量而组成。
The invention of the stirrup is imputed to the Chinese. 人们认为,马镫是中国人发明的。
An added bonus: It's tax efficient to rent to yourself, because you don't have to pay tax on this imputed rent. 一个额外的好处是:租给自己从税收角度而言是划算的,因为你不必为这笔虚拟的租金收入纳税。
During investing, conceal the truth, fraud or imputed the accident to others; 在事故调查过程中,隐瞒事故真相、弄虚作假或嫁祸于人的;
It was imputed to very reasonable weariness, and she was thanked and pitied; 她解释说是由于疲倦的缘故,倒是个很正当的理由。
Imputed service charge for life insurance 人寿保险服务费用估计数
The image imputed to the computer is disposed and analyzed in order to localization the position and recognition the characters on the license plate express these characters in text string form. 课题的目的是对摄像头获取的汽车图像进行预处理,确定车牌位置,提取车牌上的字符串,并对这些字符进行识别处理,用文本的形式显示出来。
Hence it is not likely that it would be guilty of the gross errors imputed to it. 因此,不太可能,这将是犯了严重错误归咎于它。