For example, you can select different roles to control the In-basket widget to show different in-baskets. 例如,您可以选择不同的角色来控制In-basket小部件,以显示不同的收文篮。
Users can select a role in the ComboBox and click on Submit button to pass the role to the In-basket widget. 用户可以在ComboBox中选择一个角色,单击Submit按钮,将角色传给In-basket小部件。
The In-basket widget can handle the event from role selector widget. In-basket小部件就能处理来自角色选择器小部件的事件了。
Create an application space or update an existing application space, such as DefaultApplication, to define a role in the new in-basket. 创建应用程序空间或更新现有的应用程序空间,例如DefaultApplication,在新的收文篮中定义一个角色。
So when end-users wish to pick up different work items according to their own roles, they would not be able to select any role in the In-basket widget because of the access restriction. 因此,当终端用户想要根据角色选取不同工作项时,由于访问权限限制,他们无法在In-basket小部件中选取任何角色。
A user can see all work items by opening the in-basket. 用户可以通过打开in-basket来查看所有工作项。
Drag and drop the new widget into the same page as the existing in-basket widget and content list widget. 将新的小部件拖放到相同的页面,作为现有的收文篮小部件和内容列表小部件。
The role selector widget defines a send role event to send a role name to an In-basket widget. 角色选择器小部件定义了一个Sendrole事件将角色名发送到In-basket小部件中。
After the workflow is launched, the in-basket widget can display these fields in its columns, and then it can provide the dynamic events to send the values of each field out to a receiving widget. 在工作流启动之后,收文篮小部件就能够在它的列中显示这些字段,然后提供动态事件将每个字段的值发送到一个接收小部件。
The Content List widget enables a user to change the search condition dynamically after it is connected to the in-basket widget or the step completion widget. ContentList小部件允许用户在连接到收文篮小部件或步骤完成小部件后动态更改搜索条件。
Before applying the new widget, you need to configure the in-basket widget and the content list widget. 在应用新的小部件之前,您需要配置收文篮小部件和内容列表小部件。
After reading this article, developers should have a good understanding of the events of the In-basket widget and be ready to start building their own widgets. 读完本文后,开发人员应该能很好地理解In-basket小部件的事件,并能开始构建自己的小部件了。
Note: There is a prerequisite to using the In-basket widget to change role using a change role event& no role is manually configured in the In-basket widget. 请注意:用In-basket小部件的Changerole事件来改变角色有个先决条件&In-basket小部件中的角色都不是手工配置的。
When configuring this page to represent the task processor as well as the landing page, configure the In-basket widget to not open a task in a separate window. 在配置这个页面来表示任务处理器和登录页面时,将In-basket小部件配置为不在单独的窗口中打开任务。
To associate this page with the engineering lead and configure the task list to display his In-basket, you would use the following steps 要关联这个页面和工程主管并配置任务列表以显示他的In-basket,应该执行以下步骤
For this sample solution, you only need one ECM In-basket for each of the Work Queues that you created and used when you implemented the process flow. 对于这个样例解决方案,您在实现流程流时创建并使用的每个WorkQueue只需一个ECMIn-basket。
Select a row in the in-basket by clicking it. 通过单击操作,在收文篮里选择一个行。
Create a space and a mashup page, and drag the role selector widget and In-basket widget onto the mashup page. 创建一个空间和一个混搭页,将角色选择器小部件和In-basket小部件拖放到混搭页中。
The Script Adapter widget will automatically parse the payload of the event sent by the In-basket widget. ScriptAdapter小部件会自动解析In-basket小部件发送的事件负载。
At the top of the page is an In-basket widget, which shows all of the tasks assigned to this engineer. 页面顶端是一个In-basket小部件,用于显示分配给这个负责人的所有任务。
The In-basket widget, as a receiver, can handle events sent by other widgets. In-basket小部件作为接收者,可以处理其他小部件发送的事件。
Validating Construct Validity and Optimizing Test Effect of the In-basket Test 公文筐构思效度检验及测评优化研究
Early empirical studies have proved that the in-basket test had moderate evidence for criterion-related validity. 早期的研究证明公文筐测验具有较好的效标关联效度。
HR In-basket Testing and Validity: An Implicit Assessment Strategy Perspective 人力资源公文筐测验与效度验证:基于内隐评价策略的思路
A Study of the In-Basket Test Applied to Choosing Senior Managers in Enterprises 对文件筐测验(I-B)在选拔高层经理人员中的实证研究
METHODS: Both qualitative coding method and Delphi method were applied during the content validity analysis of an In-basket test. 方法:在公文筐测验研究工作过程中采用质化研究的方法对测验内容效度进行分析,并与传统的专家评定内容效度的方法进行比较。
By using hierarchical regression analyses, the result showed in-basket had good incremental validity over cognitive test. 运用层次回归分析,研究还对公文筐测验的增量效度进行检验,结果发现:公文筐测验对认知能力测验具有增量效度,其增量效度为。
According to the application pattern mentioned above, a field study has been carried out to investigate the affects of this pattern on the validity of in-basket test. 依照公文筐测试的应用模式,我们开展了公文筐测试的实验研究。
At the same time, more researchers are interested in the process of in-basket testing. 同时,公文筐测验过程也开始被研究者关注,但目前对公文筐测验过程的研究相当少。