ADJ 组织内部的;机构内部进行的 In-house work or activities are done by employees of an organization or company, rather than by workers outside the organization or company.
A lot of companies do in-house training. 很多公司会进行内部培训。
In-house is also an adverb.
The magazine is still produced in-house. 该杂志仍然是内部发行。
The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in-house, instead of farming it out to law firms 这一举措符合让公司的法律专员在单位内部做更多的工作,而不是将工作分包给律师事务所的趋势。
A lot of companies do in-house training. 很多公司会进行内部培训。
In addition to ars's in-house research, usda funds a competitively awarded grants program for research on biotechnology risk assessment. 除了农业研究所自身的研究工作,美国农业部还赞助生物技术风险评估研究项目,提供竞争性奖励基金。
Disney already has a few in-house teams focused on innovation. 迪斯尼内部已成立了几支专注于创新的团队。
Architecting and deploying scalable applications in-house require you to handle a lot of complexity. 内部构建和部署可伸缩的应用程序需要处理许多复杂的情况。
In-house testing takes time and money. 内部测试需要时间和金钱。
It includes reference implementation model and interfaces, which JBI-compliant products or an in-house JBI solution must implement. 它包含了引用实施模型以及界面,JBI的产品或者室内JBI方案必须实施这些模型与界面。
What kind of data management and data analytics tools are already available in-house? 仓库中有哪些类型的数据管理和数据分析工具已经可用?
The API can also be utilized as a framework and extended for in-house application development. 而API也可以被用作框架,对其进行扩展后用于内部应用程序开发。
There are two kinds of development organizations that this impacts: in-house developers and third party application vendors. 这会影响到两类开发组织:内部开发人员和第三方应用程序供应商。
Peter: I'm responsible for systems administration and in-house programming. 皮特:我负责系统管理和内部项目。
Facebook and Google have recruited researchers to join their in-house AI research teams. Facebook和谷歌也为其公司内部的人工智能研究小组招聘了研究员。
Today, the organization has in-house capability to do test design, research, marketing, and technology support. 如今,这个组织已经具备了独立进行测试设计、研发、营销和技术支持的能力。
Carries out routine in-house laboratory activities, including measuring and test equipment installation, maintenance, and calibration; 进行例行内部实验室的活动,包括测量和试验设备的安装,维护和校准;
We also need good managers, which we can achieve through in-house training courses within the company. 我们还需要能够通过公司内部培训课程而得来的优秀经理人(管理者)。
Major findings from the conference were published for in-house use in a comprehensive report on emotional design quality. 会议对于室内设计的主要成果被发表在了一篇对设计情感质量进行全面报道的报告上。
These activities are usually carried out in-house, and seldom require the input of knowledge from other sources. 这些活动通常情况下都是在内部进行,很少需要其他来源知识的投入。
Does factory perform in-house lab testing and are facilities appropriately equipped? 工厂是否执行内部实验室测试和配备适当设施?
Managers use a stock rating system and rely heavily on in-house research. 投资经理们使用一套股票评级系统,而且对内部研究的依赖程度很高。
The group is also fostering new in-house talent by offering special training courses at its Singapore operation. 这家集团还通过在新加坡分公司提供特殊的训练课程,从内部培养新的人才。
In fact in September this year, the group provided in-house training for university student correspondents in Aceh. 实际上,在今年九月,这个小组就为亚齐的大学生记者提供了培训。
And in-house IT staff need do absolutely nothing, since the data and software reside on Googles server computers. 而组织内部的信息技术人员完全不需做任何工作,因为那些数据和软件存放于谷歌的服务器上。
If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything. 如果你要,租用别人的房子谁能给你和你学习最新一切。
Tight in-house process controls and checks provide a consistent and quality product. 紧提供内部过程控制和检查一致和高质量的产品。
Finally, Workflow services already being used in-house can be modified to work with Azure. 最终,已经被应用的工作流服务可以被加以修改,以符合Azure的要求。
Many large state-owned companies use in-house consultants. 许多大型国有企业用的都是内部顾问。
This may include building up an in-house training and coaching capability. 这要求建立起内部的培训和指导能力。
In-house proposal quality control and tracking. 内部提案质量控制和跟踪。
I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. 我想让你来设计我们自己的内部计算机培训程序。
We also have an in-house design studio which can produce unique and colorful customer designs. 我们也有一个内部的设计工作室,可产生独特的,丰富多彩的客户设计。