If by inadvertence a rule of origin has not been provided, the member concerned shall provide it immediately after this fact becomes known. 如一原产地规则因疏忽未予提供,则有关成员应在认识到此事实后立即提交。
Study the prison you have built around yourself by inadvertence. 考察你因心不在焉给自己做成的困窘。
M: Emotional reactions, born of ignorance or inadvertence, are never justified. a feeling caused by uneasiness or apprehension. 因无明及失察而起的情绪反应永不会合理。由于不安和恐惧而带来的一种情绪反应。
To avoid inadvertence of inspection tour and increase work efficiency, software of data collection using bar code has been developed. 为了防止巡检工作疏漏,提高工作效率,开发了条码数据采集软件。