For example Coase theorem can explain Neighborly relations, and the function of inalienability system is to resolve externality and common pool resource problem. 例如,可利用科斯定理对相邻关系进行解释,而对处分权的限制也是为了解决外部性问题和公共性问题,以提高资源利用效率。
Rules of Property, Liability and Inalienability in the Protection of the Property Right of Farming Lands 财产规则、责任规则、不可转让规则与农地产权保护&农地征用中农民利益受损的法经济学分析
The fifth section interprets Neighborly relations and Inalienability by using the methods of law and economics to reveal the reasons of the limitations of ownership. 第五部分运用法经济学方法对相邻关系和处分权的限制进行分析,以解释所有权限制的原因。
The property rights of rural land are not protected by laws. Nor are they protected by Property Rules, Liability Rules, or even Inalienability Rules. 这种制度安排使农地产权成为一种失去法律防护的权利,它既不能依据财产规则来保护,也不能以责任规则来保护,甚至不能得到不可转让规则的保护。