Many African American families attended the inauguration of the country's first black president. 很多非洲裔美国家庭参加了美国第一位黑人总统的就职典礼。
He got the GOP equivalent of rock-star treatment when he came to Washington last January for Bush's Inauguration. 去年一月他到华盛顿参加布什就职典礼的时候,得到了共和党对待摇滚歌星的待遇。
Richard Milhous Nixon used his middle name at his first inauguration, but dropped it at his second. 尼克松总统在第一次宣誓就职的时候用了他的中间名Milhous,而在连任宣誓的时候却没有用。
Yesterday, Prime Minister Gilani and I attended the inauguration ceremony for the Pakistan-China Friendship Center. 昨天,我和吉拉尼总理一起为巴中友谊中心落成剪彩,并宣布启动“中巴友好光明行”活动。
The solemn inauguration ceremony will be held here. 就要举行隆重的启用仪式了。
The president's inauguration speech fell into three parts. 总统的就职演说分成三部分。
Inauguration Day occurs once every four years, about two and a half months after the national election. 就职日发生每四年一次,约两个半月后的全国选举。
You'll find lots of places online to watch president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration on Tuesday. 你将发现网上很多地方观看当选总统奥巴马就职。
Is offering odds on phrases that may be used by US president-elect Barack Obama in his inauguration speech Tuesday. 的就职典礼将于(美国当地时间)本周二举行。日前,爱尔兰一家博彩公司为奥巴马在就职演说上的用词开出了赔率。
The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant. 新总统的就职典礼是个辉煌的庆典。
The full Senate is expected to confirm her appointment Tuesday after President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration. 预计全体参议院将在当选总统奥巴马下星期二宣誓就职后正式确认这项提名。
Will you attend the inauguration tomorrow? 你明天要参加就职典礼吗?
The inauguration of presidents in the January is traditionally held on the steps of the Capitol. 总统一月份的就职仪式传统上在大厦台阶上进行。
The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning. 今天上午将举行新厦的落成典礼。
The time of his inauguration was a time of tension and fear about nuclear weapons. 他就职的时候正是核武器引起的紧张和恐慌的时期。
Everyone watched the inauguration of the new president. 每个人都观看了新总统的就职典礼。
At the inauguration, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President. 在总统就职仪式上,联邦最高法院总检察长主持了新总统宣誓就职。
They pitched into presidential inauguration to celebrate the important moment of the country. 他们全力投入总统就职典礼来庆祝国家重要的一刻。
He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson. 他没有参加下任总统托马斯?杰弗逊的就职典礼。
Still, many people found themselves unusually moved by the historic presidential inauguration last week in Washington. 上星期在华盛顿,许多人发现自己被这次历史性的总统就职典礼异乎寻常地感动了。
The inauguration of the President is announced for Friday. 总统的就职典礼已定于星期五举行。
President Bush's farewell address was his last public event planned before the inauguration. 总统布什的告别演说是他在奥巴马就职典礼前最后一次公开活动。
President Reagcn accompanied his inauguration speech with many gestures. 里根总编在就职演说中做了许多手势。
His inauguration speech in March set the tone. 在3月份的就职演说中,吴登盛便为新政定下了基调。
The president said in his inauguration he would carry out his campaign commitment. 总统在就职演说中说,他将履行他的竞选诺言。
We are only a month away from the inauguration of a new president. 我们离新总统就职只有一个月了。
The next evening we were watching President Bush's inauguration. 第二天晚上,我们在看布什总统就职仪式。
The inauguration of interim-leader Hamid Karzai and29 members of his cabinet took place in the capital Kabul. 卡尔扎伊和二十九名过渡时期的内阁成员在首都卡布尔宣誓就职。