Drive my dead thoughts over the universe, Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! And, by the incantation of this verse. 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落,让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌。
He sought in his heAD for an incantation that had faded clean away. 他拼命搜索他的脑袋,老想找出那道早被忘得一干二净的护身符咒。
After you generate some new log output, I'll describe what this magic incantation does. ( See Resources for more information on setting the conversionPattern.) 生成一些新的日志输出后,我将描述这些奇怪的符号的含义(请参阅参考资料,了解设置conversionPattern的更多信息)。
The Perl Monks Web site provided the incantation used in this article to clean up script output and has many other great tips for Perl fans. PerlMonksWeb站点提供本文用来清理script输出的方法,并有很多其他针对Perl忠实用户的重要技巧。
What awful incantation have you read among the stars in the sky, that with a sealed secret message the night entered your heart, silent and strange? 你从天上的星星中,念到什么可怕的咒语,就是黑夜沉默而异样地走进你心中时带来的那个密封的秘密的消息?
So you just decided to try out an unknown, handwritten incantation and see what would happen? 你竟然决定拿一个手写的陌生咒语来做试验,看看会发生什么事?
The small fox recites the formula because incantation in the brain, the bring an end to* the body red diaphragm reflected aureate lightning flash to burn the whole sky. 小狐默念脑海中的口诀,周身的红色光圈映着金色的闪电燃烧了整个天空。
To expel ( an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer. any imaginary place where spiritual beings ( demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide. 驱赶用念咒、命令或祈祷的方法驱走(恶魔),或采用类似的方法精神生命(魔鬼,精灵,天使之类的)居住的神奇的地方。
You see, the incantation alone is not enough. 你们要明白,光靠咒语是不够的。
When Jim still was in a daze, that wizard started to learn his incantation. 当吉姆仍在发呆的时候,那个巫师开始念咒语。
A magic spell or incantation. 有魔力的话语或咒文。
And, by the incantation of this verse. 而且,依凭我这首诗中的符咒。
The professional terms and lengthy expressions are just like the Incantation of the Golden Hoop of Monk Tang Sanzhang, which caused him headache and was unbearable. 如此专业的术语、冗长的表述,像是唐三藏的紧箍咒,让人头疼欲裂,无法忍受!
And, by the incantation of this verse, Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌,就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散!
Many features of Ci Fu originated from the wizard sacrificial rites and the incantation, which both directly influence the origin and the schools of CI fu. 辞赋的许多特点都来源于巫祭活动的仪式和咒语,这不仅直接影响了辞赋的源,也影响了辞赋的流。
He will use his incantation make Jim become a ring like princess! 他要用他的咒语把吉姆变成像公主一样的戒指!
In his early poems he makes use of repetition and incantation. 在他早期的诗歌中他使用了反复和重叠手法。
In the world the simple the incantation, three characters "I accompany you". 世界上最简单的咒语,三个字“我陪你”。
So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation seemed addressed, that she did not observe me when I rose and went towards her. 她是那么全神贯注地望着彩云,她那奇妙的歌声,或可说是喃喃自语,似乎是对着那彩云而发的。因而她没有注意到我站起身来朝她走去。
No amount of yogic incantation can harmonise these split persona; the solution is to break banks into functional units, so that merger experts, market makers, and proprietary traders no longer cohabit. 念再多的瑜伽咒语也无法调和这种人格分裂;解决办法是将投行依照职能分拆,这样并购专家、做市商和自营交易员就不再同属于一家银行。
I create the new paint EIDOLON continue with the Incantation Of The Sea. 我延续了海咒的空间,创作了精灵。
This incantation obscures the fact that some MBA courses, including almost all those in the US, take two years, while most in Europe take one. 这个口头禅模糊了一个事实:包括几乎所有美国MBA课程在内,很多MBA课程都是两年制,而大多数欧洲的MBA课程都是一年制。
The Priest began an incantation to cleanse the wound but the symbol remained engraved in the arm of the Lord Protector. 神父开始念咒语希望能够去除这个伤口,然而这个标志还是深深刻在了护国公的手臂上。
Calm down, this is not the incantation to success, nor secret code to success. 冷静下来,这并不是成功的咒语,也不是通向成功的秘诀。
( The Pittsburgh gathering also made the ritual vow to complete the so-called Doha round of trade talks, but that incantation now carries the same sincerity as saying Have a nice day.) Yet a counsel of despair would be, at the very least, premature. (匹兹堡峰会也例行公事地承诺要完成多哈回合(DohaRound)贸易谈判,但现在发这种誓就和说祝拥有美好的一天一样缺乏诚意。)不过,现在就提供绝望忠告至少是为时过早。
He also believed that by drawing the outline of an enemy and singing an incantation over it. 画一张敌人的素描,对其念咒语,他还相信这一招。
I to your love in the previous generation dream, in my blood the flow destiny evil spirit incantation, nobody have been able to explain dust-laden. 我对你的爱已尘封在前世的梦里,我血液里流淌的命运的魔咒,没人能破解。
The primitive wizard sacrificial rites offered the objective environment for the appearance of Ci Fu and the wizard incantation marked the beginning of Ci Fu. 原始巫祭仪式活动造就了辞赋产生的客观环境,巫祭咒语成为辞赋的萌芽。
According to Taoist institutions and sutras, the sin-exempting incantation casting ceremony is of religious function and symbolic significance. 从道教经法制度的相关论述可以看出,投龙仪式具有宗教功能及其象征意义。
The concept, basic theory, clinical treatment, medical incantation, health care of religion medicine were concluded and analyzed, and expected to forward the religion medicine. 从各研究者对佛教医学的定义、基础理论、临床治疗、医用咒语、养生保健等方面研究现状作了归纳和分析,以期对佛教医学研究的进一步发展有所裨益。