About 20 million votes have already been lodged, including many from India, for the Taj Mahal; China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas. 目前投票数已达2千万,其中很多来自泰姬陵的祖国印度;长城的祖国中国和印加要塞马丘比丘的祖国秘鲁。
Johan Reinhard ( Archaeologist): The Inca royal family would go there for different kinds of ceremonies, and we do know that the Incas had a very strong ritual element there. 约翰莱因哈德(考古学家)认为:印加王室成员将前往那里进行各种不同的仪式,因为我们知道,在古代的印加,有一个非常强烈的宗教元素的存在。
Every night before going to bed, his grandfather would tell him stories of great civilizations like the Romans, the Vikings, the Incas and many others. 每晚睡前,爷爷总是会给他讲诸如罗马人、北欧海盗、印加人或是其他民族的伟大文明故事。
The ancient Incas built this city high amongst the Peruvian clouds in one of the most remote locations on earth. Located in the northwest border area, Xinjiang is the inland hinterland with the furthest distance from sea in the world. 古代印加人将这座秘鲁城市建在云雾缭绕的地方&建到了世上最远离尘嚣的所在。新疆位于中国的西北边陲,是世界上距离海洋最遥远的内陆腹地。
Cuzco was the centre of one of the world's most famous civilizations, that of the incas. 库兹科是世界上最著名的文明之一,印加文明的中心。
As the well-preserved Inca relics during the Pre-Columbus Period, it is called "the lost city of the Incas". 马丘比丘被称为失落的印加城市,是保存完好的前哥伦布时期的印加遗迹。
China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas. 长城的祖国中国和印加要塞马丘比丘的祖国秘鲁。
They fought off the Incas who invaded from the north, and later resisted the Spanish for over a century before Chile declared its independence from Spain in1818. 他们击退试图从北方入侵的印加人,随后对抗西班牙人超过一世纪,终于在一八一八年宣布脱离西班牙独立。
The Incas who were massacred By the Spaniards 被西班牙人残杀殆尽的印加人
We had civilizations Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, etc. but no wheeled vehicles. 在各个文明中-,例如阿兹台克,玛雅,印加-,都没有轮式交通工具的踪影。
Research by the French Institute of Andean Studies suggests the Incas flourished after they began using llama dung for fertilizer. 安第斯法国研究所这份研究表明,开始使用骆驼粪便作肥料以后,印加文明逐渐繁荣起来。
The Incas terraced their mountainous land. 印加人把他们的山地弄成了梯田。
Built over carefully chiseled stone blocks, the ruins bear testimony to the intricate engineering skills of the Incas. 这座废墟建在精心凿刻的石块群上,是印加人精良的工程技术的见证。
The ruins of Machu Picchu," the Lost City of the Incas," has become the most recognizable symbol of the Inca civilization. 废墟MachuPicchu,“印加人失去的城市,”成为了最可认识的标志的印加人文明。
Centuries later, it allowed the Incas to farm maize in the high mountains, providing a grain surplus that let their civilisation take off. 几个世纪之后,印加人开始在高山上种植玉米,提供了大量谷物盈余来让他们的文明起飞。
What a special place this was to the incas. 反映此地在印加人心中有特殊地位。
Machu Picchu-"The Lost City of the Incas" was kept hidden from the Spanish conquistadors for centuries and only rediscovered in1911 by explorer Hiram Bingham. 马丘比丘&数世纪以来西班牙侵略者都无法找到这座“失落的印加城市”,直到1911年才被探险家海勒姆•宾厄姆发现。
Maca is a medical and edible plant, Native to South American, Peru where the Incas used to cure desease, and call it Peruvian ginseng. 玛咖(Maca)是药食两用植物,特产于南美洲秘鲁,当地印加人将其用做补药,称其为秘鲁人参。