Paul Ince's young son is taking his first steps into professional football. 保罗-因斯的小儿子托马斯-因斯迈出了职业足球生涯的第一步。
He ha ot ee able to come ince he got hurt. 自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。
Super sub Thomas Ince made a vital contribution as he helped Notts County climb out of the relegation zone after netting in a2-0 win over MK Dons. 超级替补小因斯为诺茨郡爬出降级区立下大功,他在2-0取胜MK唐斯的比赛里打进一球。
County boss Ince is delighted with the impact his18-year-old son has made at the League One side and believes the loan spell will prove highly beneficial in his development. 诺茨郡主教练因斯对他18岁大的儿子在这支英甲球队里的表现感到满意,同时相信这段租借的经历,将会被证明对他的成长是非常有好处的。
Ince Darwin and the earliest theory of population genetics, it has been well known that breeding system plays an important role in genetic diversity and evolution of organisms. 达尔文和最早的群体遗传学理论,都认为繁育系统对生物的遗传多样性和进化起重要作用。
"Tumor stem cells are cells that can initiate a whole tumor," Ince explained. “肿瘤干细胞是指启动整个肿瘤生长的细胞,”Ince解释。
Thomas Ince has recently become a young scholar at one of his Dad's former clubs, Liverpool. 近日他成为了他父亲的曾效力过的俱乐部利物浦青训学院的一员。
Paul Ince believes the loan signing of son Tom from Liverpool has added an extra attacking dimension to his Notts County squad. 保罗因斯相信,从利物浦租借签入他儿子汤姆,对诺茨郡阵容来说是增添了额外的攻击力量的。
So you'd have to consider Kanchelskis, Ronaldo, Giggs, Cole, Paul Parker-he was very quick-Anderson, Ferdinand, Lee Sharpe as a kid was quick, and Paul Ince, too. 因此你必须要考虑砍切尔斯基罗纳尔多吉格斯安迪科尔保罗帕克他真的很快。安德森费迪南德李夏普也是很快的包括保罗因斯。
Ince the foundation of new China, two conversions have taken place in domestic petroleum supply and demand relation. 新中国成立后,国内石油供求关系发生了两次逆转。
Improvement of Holographic Storage Quality by Pump Beam Modulation inCe ∶ KNSBN Photorefractive Crystal 泵浦光调制对Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体全息存储质量的改善
Ince Doha Development Agenda ( DDA) started up, the trend of WTO member collectivization gradually emerged and has been further intensified. Compages of interest groups among states and areas give profound impacts on the multilateral trade system. 多哈发展议程启动以来,成员集团化的趋向逐渐凸现并得到进一步强化,国家或地区的利益集团组合对多边贸易体制产生了深刻影响。
Sea ice also increased the occurrence of oil spill of ice region. And ince oil spill prevention is much more difficult. 海冰灾害同样加大了发生冰区溢油事故的可能,而冰区溢油的防治比开阔海域溢油的防治更加困难。