From the very first days of the reforms, the parliament kept up an incessant drumbeat of protest. 从改革的第一天起,议会就不断施压予以抗议。
The noise of bombs and guns was incessant 炸弹和枪炮接连不断。
This incessant rain and fog is getting me down. 不停的下雨和雾使我心情沮丧。
Incessant fighting among the warlords made life impossible for the people. 军阀混战,民不聊生。
The pollard willows were tortured out of their natural shape by incessant choppings. 那一丛秃头的柳树,因不断遭受砍伐都失去了天然的形状。
I was tired of her incessant complaining. 我对她没完没了的埋怨感到厌烦。
Avoid incessant creation and discarding of thread objects, especially if using threads in abundance. 避免不停地创建和删除线程对象,特别是在大量使用线程的时候。
Your incessant complaining isn't doing us any good. 你不停的抱怨对我们没任何好处的。
Three fell in the street and were immediately run over and blackened by the incessant vehicles. 张落到了街上,立刻被川流不息的车辆碾成了一团黑。
Incessant noise makes me appreciate silence. 持续不断的噪声骚扰使我喜欢安静的环境。
The natural environment, under mankind's incessant destruction, is changing drastically. 生态环境在不断的破坏下已产生了显着的变化。
But the firmness gradually faded away before her incessant importunings and tantrums. 可是这坚定在她不停的恳求和怒吼下又渐渐消失了。
The incessant expansion period was not the original plan for your creation. 持续不断的膨胀期并不是你们创造物的最初蓝图。
My life has been an incessant struggle but now I see the possibility of ending this conflict. 我的生活是一个不断的奋斗,现在我看到了结束这种冲突的可能性。
We felt put out by the guest's incessant requests. 客人不断的要求令我们觉得受打扰。
A poet's incessant writings in lifetime will eventually become a poet's history of heart; 一个诗人一生持续忠诚的写作,最终所形成的是一个诗人的心灵史;
Is it his incessant complaining? 还是他不停地抱怨?
The incessant demand for change characterize our time. 不断地要求变革概括了我们时代的特征。
The troops fell back before the incessant fire of the enemy. 在敌人的炮火不断猛攻之下,军队退了下来。
His incessant moaning started to annoy me. 他不住的呻吟开始惹火了我。
The incessant battles have been destructive to far more than just the exterior of the world. 旷日持久的战斗远不止破坏了这个世界的表面。
The incessant demand for change. 不断提出的改革要求。
The perfect combination of rhythm and techniques in operas has always been the incessant pursuit of great composers. 歌剧中,旋律与技巧的完美结合一直是伟大作曲家们的不懈气追求目标。
Having endured weeks of incessant bombardment, they surrendered as soon as they had the opportunity. 在忍受了好几星期不断的炮击之后,他们一有机会便投降了。
And the great kindness and incessant wisdom are the midst of people. 而伟大的仁慈与不竭的智慧,都在人民中间。
I got bogged down in answering his incessant questions. 我因回答他不停的问题而陷入困境。
He dismissed his secretary because of her incessant lateness. 由于他的秘书经常迟到,他把她辞退了。
The various small nations waged incessant wars for the possession of the best land and doubtless also for booty; 各个小民族〔Volkchen〕,为了占有最好的土地,也为了掠夺战利品,进行着不断的战争;
You are an incessant stimulus to my inspiration and aspiration. 你是我灵感与热望的无尽的来源。
This incessant rushing about is beginning to tell on you. 到处不停地乱跑开始影响你的健康了。