Companies may be reluctant to admit their offices are anything less than pleasant, but incivility think belittling barbs or gruff responses can lead to lost productivity, creativity and talent. 公司也许不愿承认他们的办公室里有丁点的不愉快,但是无礼的行为想想那些贬损他人的冷嘲热讽或对人粗暴生硬的回应可能会引起生产力、创造力和才华的损失。
Employees who have been on the receiving end of workplace incivility say it was a major factor in their decision to seek work elsewhere. 在单位里成为无礼行为受气包的员工说这是他们决定到别处另谋工作的主要因素。
I know she has strong feelings about this matter, but that doesn't excuse her incivility. 我知道她对这件事强烈反感,但这不能作为她粗鲁的借口。
Are they right your incivility? 他们对你非礼了吗?
The advantage of Web self-expression the broadening of civic engagement comes with the drawback of incivility: it is hard to achieve one without the other. 网络在自我表达(扩大民众参与度)方面的长处与网络存在不文明行为的短处并存:我们很难只保留一个而不要另一个。
Was not this some excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil? 要是我果真是无礼的,那么,这还不够作为我无礼的理由吗?
Consoled by this resolution, she was the better able to bear her husband's incivility; 她决定了这么做,心里就觉得快慰了些,因此丈夫的无理也就叫她好受了些;
Does anyone doubt that we live in an age of incivility, of distrust of other cultures? 有人怀疑过我们处在一种粗野、不信任其他文化的时代里?
As reported by Time Magazine, rudeness and incivility among doctors, in particular in the operating room, can actually lead to poorer health outcomes and even higher death rates among patients. 时代杂志源引一项最新研究称,医生的态度会影响病人的恢复情况,态度恶劣的医生会直接提升病人的死亡率。
He refuses to return incivility from incivility, because then he would no longer be in command of his own conduct. 他不以怨抱怨,那样,他将不再是自己行为的主宰。
But studies have revealed the negative effect of workplace incivility on organizational performance. 但是研究已经揭示了工作场所无礼行为对组织绩效具有负面影响。