In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population. 事实上,发展有赖于大量低收入人群收入的增长。
Many families on low incomes will be unable to afford to buy their own home 许多低收入家庭将会买不起自己的房子。
They are still having to live on very low incomes 他们现在还得靠微薄的收入过日子。
In 1990 personal incomes grew a nominal 6.8 per cent. 1990年个人收入名义上增长了6.8%。
Soldiers in both countries supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters. 两国士兵都用毒品走私贩的贿赂来贴补收入。
Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes 现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。
The rise in the cost of living bears hard on old people living on fixed incomes. 生活费用的上涨对于靠固定收入为生的老年人极为不利。
All the staff members charged that the earned incomes were not distributed upon the principle of equality. 所有的员工控诉工资分配不公平。
Sensible people budget their incomes. 明智的人做储蓄计划。
The costs of investments can be paid with future payments and incomes. 投资的成本可以通过将来的支付和收入项来抵消。
Even as consumer incomes have withered in this recession, the government has helped stabilize take-home pay. 虽然消费者收入在经济衰退中受到了冲击,但政府已帮助稳定了实得工资。
This single step would raise the incomes of millions of working families. 这一步骤将提高几百万个工作家庭的收入。
But the rapid rise in urbanisation and incomes in China is boosting demand for products such as nappies. 但是,中国城市化程度的飞速提高和收入的迅速增加,提高了对纸尿裤等产品的需求。
New legislation has raised taxes on people's incomes and on business. 新法律提高了个人所得税和营业税。
Milk production has doubled and annual incomes have increased. 牛奶产量翻了一番,牧民收入也增加了。
Low productivity leads to unemployment and low incomes. 生产力低下导致失业和低收入。
It would mean that people with identical incomes and circumstances would pay different tax. 这将意味着有着相似收入和境况的人将会支付不同的税金。
This has acted like a tax cut, boosting real incomes and profits. 这奸像减税一样,提高了实际收入和利润。
Higher energy prices, and their impacts on goods and services, have reduced real incomes of low-income households. 能源价格上涨,以及他们对商品和服务的影响,减少了低收入家庭的实际收入。
Although average incomes have increased, the gap between rich and poor has widened. 虽然平均收入增加了,但加大了贫富差距。
Interest rates tend to fall, as household and business incomes drop and demand for money and credit shrinks. 而利率倾向于会下跌则是因为,家庭和企业收入下降,货币需求和信贷需求也出现萎缩。
The great majority of incomes consist of wages and salaries. 绝大部分收入由工资和薪水组成。
Is the recession corroding Americans'health in addition to their incomes? 了侵蚀美国人的收入之外,衰退是否还侵蚀了他们的健康?
Urbanisation and rising incomes have fuelled faster growth in domestic demand. 城市化和收入增加又刺激了国内需求的快速增长。
Poverty rates have been falling, average household incomes rising, and health and education moderately improving. 贫困率一直在下降,家庭平均收入一直在增加,医疗和教育状况也在稳步改善。
As a result of all this, their incomes are up and land values have risen. 这一切的结果是,他们的收入增加了,土地的价值也上升了。
Growing population and incomes, along with changing food preferences are increasing the demand for livestock products. 人口增长和收入的提高,伴随着对食物喜好的改变都增加了对畜产品的需求。
This year, food prices are still high while incomes and trade flows have wilted. 今年,粮食价格仍居高不下,而收入和贸易流通却已枯萎。
Most of my friends and their partners have worked corporate jobs and have had good sized disposable incomes. 我大多数的朋友和他们的伴侣都在公司中工作并且有可观的可支配收入。