An argument is sometimes made that it is a programming mistake to try to compare items of incommensurable types. 自变量有时候会造成编程错误,试图对不可比较的类型进行比较。
Each couple of the research traditions is incommensurable and mutually complemental, but not opposite and antagonistic. 其中,每一对研究传统之间是不可通约而又相互补充的关系,但不是对立和对抗的关系。
Train and human life are incommensurable. 火车和人的生命是无从比较的。
Further analysis showed that the value conflicts between different value logic are rooted in the incommensurable premise of different value logic; 进一步的分析表明,不同价值逻辑之间的冲突源于不同价值逻辑前提预设的不可通约;
An explanation incommensurable with the facts 与事实相距甚远的说明
The symmetry characters of quasiperiodic crystals and incommensurable phases were discussed. 讨论了准晶体及无公度相的对称特点。
The part which nature has in any work of man, is indefinite and incommensurable. 自然力在人类任何工作中所起的作用都是无限的,无法计量的。
Safety is not the only area in which managers are required to balance incompatible and incommensurable factors. 安全并不是唯一需要管理人员平衡不兼容和不可比因素的领域。
An explanation incommensurable with the facts Around the corner, yet miles away. 与事实相距甚远的说明近在咫尺&却又相距万里。
Based on Kuhn's theory of incommensurability of science paradigm, this article claims that technology paradigm is incommensurable accordingly. 借鉴科学哲学家库恩的科学范式不可通约性思想,技术范式也存在着一定的不可通约性。
Comparing one good with another is, we usually say, impossible because goods are incommensurable. 我们一般说比较各人的心头好是不可能的,因为物品是不配比较。
Many photographers liked to take photos for her in order to get the "incommensurable beauty". 很多摄影师喜欢为她拍照以捕捉那“无法比拟的美”。
A multi-product, multi-stage robust operating model is proposed in this paper to deal with multiple incommensurable goals for a supply chain consisting of a supplier and a producer with uncertain market demands and raw material supplies. 提出了由一个制造商和一个供应商构成的多产品、多阶段供应链在原材料市场的供应和消费市场的需求均不确定条件下的多目标鲁棒运作模型。
Structure of Incommensurable Temporal and Spatial Periods in Open Flow Lattice 开流格点的时空不可约周期结构
The unreconciled position and incommensurable standpoint mean there is serious metaphysical crisis in ecological ethics itself. 这种争论的不可调和性及其观点的不可公度性,意味着生态伦理学自身发生了严重的形而上学危机。
Such a problematic, incommensurable in nature, is temporarily and spatially defined in a particular context of culture and society, and gains meaning through the representational system. 它是在特定的社会文化中由时间和空间两个维度确定的,经表象系统形成学理意义,并具有不可通约的性质。
The fact that the values of man and of money are at once commensurable and incommensurable reflects the historical evolution of human nature and social institutions. 在现实的历史发展过程中,人的价值与货币价值有着既可通约又不可通约的辩证性上,它体现了历史发展过程中人性和社会制度进化的状况。
And reveals that the essences of Western superiority in science and technology lie more in institutional and conceptual aspects, and that "communication in such incommensurable fields of two completely independent civilizations" is an extremely complex process in history. 揭示了西方科技昌明的根本,更重要的是在制度和思想层面上,而两个完全独立的文化在这种无公度的领域里的沟通是一个极为复杂的历史过程。
The existence of 2~ ( 1/ 2) and the discovery of the incommensurable magnitude are. 2~(1/2)的存在与不可公度量的发现是数学史上的一件大事。
So, the incommensurable theories could be viewed as an open set, which includes common original starting point, varies with different conditions attached, own difference, but we still compare and appraisal. 这样,不可通约的理论可以被看作以共同的原始基点附加上不同条件而变化的开放式集合,它们存在不同,但仍然可以比较和评价。
Further, the complex optimization involves multiple, incommensurable and conflicting objectives. 另外,这种复杂的优化包含有多个不可比较的甚至是互相矛盾的目标。
As equality and freedom of social main body, everybody has the existence of incommensurable values. Every person not only has the right of inviolability of the civil rights, but also bear the responsibilities to others and society bear. 作为社会平等而自由的资格主体,每个人都具有不可通约的存在价值,每个人既享有不受侵犯的各项公民权利,对他人和社会也承担着各项责任。
In the field of philosophy of science, incommensurability means that for the same area, successive theories are incommensurable. 在科学哲学里,不可通约性是指,对于同一领域,相继理论之间是不可通约的。
In his view, science is a process of both accumulation and revolution, "paradigm" change is a sign of revolution, they are incommensurable between "paradigms". 他认为,科学是一个既有积累又有革命的过程,范式变化是革命的标志,范式之间不可通约。
The fundamental reason for which the values of human are diverse and incommensurable is that the nature of human in not solid. 人类的价值之所以是多元与不可通约的,其根本的原因在于人类并没有稳固的本性。
LARS artificial ligament has incommensurable advantages. LARS人工韧带有着它们不可比拟的优势。
First of all, in the development of science, the formation of the new science is due to the establishment of a new paradigm, which means that different scientific system has different paradigms, and these paradigms are incommensurable. 首先,在科学的发展过程中,新科学的形成是由于新范式的建立,也就是说不同的科学体系具有不同的范式,而且这些范式之间是不可通约的。