Eg. idiots and other incompetents need someone to look after them. 白痴和其他弱智者需人照料他们。
The country's being governed by a bunch of incompetents who have no idea what they're doing. 这个国家正被一群不知自己在干什么的、无能的人管理着。
A commentary piece published this week by the Xinhua news agency said that those US lawmakers proposing legislation linked to the renminbi were baby-kissing incompetents poisoning the atmosphere. 新华社本周发表一篇评论称,提交人民币相关法案的美国议员只不过是哗众取宠的无能之辈,毒化气氛。
Than those incompetents who failed to cover yours. 而不是那些没有帮你做好掩护的废物。
He looked upon them as incompetents. 他认为他们不胜任。
Capacity-to-contract issues generally involve minors, mental incompetents, intoxicated persons and drug addicts. 缔约能力问题通常包括未成年人,精神不健全人,醉酒者及药瘾者。
The most popular targets of public anger are the greedheads and incompetents who plunged the country into economic meltdown. 而公众愤怒的焦点则指向那些致使国家经济陷入崩溃的贪婪者和无能者。
This company is full of incompetents! 这个公司里全都是无能的人。
Since men are such medical incompetents, we're told, they need health campaigns to cajole and educate them. 由于男子的医疗称职,我们被告知,他们需要健康的运动,以劝说和教育他们。