It would not just be inconceivably complex and costly. It would come up against the deeper problem of uncertainty. 不仅其复杂性和成本会高到难以想象,而且还会遇到不确定性的更深层次问题。
The book has sold an inconceivably large number of copies. 这本书的销量大得不可思议。
Or, not inconceivably getting rid of him. 或,不可思议地除掉他。
It is still inconceivably first-rate fun on spruced slopes. 它仍然令人不可置信,一流的山坡上耸立的乐趣。
The task proved inconceivably more difficult than we had imagined. 任务的困难程度超过我们的想像,确实难以置信。
He achieved by his miraculous power the ability to visit in one moment all the inconceivably infinite number of Buddha realms. 通过他的神奇力量,他获得瞬间遍访无数佛土的能力。
The western island group of Palawan, which even Filipinos describe as their country's last frontier, is inconceivably exotic and tropical. 巴拉望西部的群岛,甚至菲律宾人也把它描述为这个国家的最后处女地,充满了不可思议的异域和热带的风情。
It would have been inconceivably dangerous even if he had known how to set about doing it. 即便他知道怎样做,其中的危险毕竟无法想象。