Lot Notes The ironic principle of hyperrealism is that it commences on a depiction that is at its utmost realism, incongruously making a beguiling promise of an illusion of its existence. 写实主义的讽刺性就是它致力建立于真实的描写上,不协调地为真实的存在提供一个虚构的幻像承诺。
The place is still known, now incongruously, as fish farm village. 这个地方仍叫做渔民村(现在已名不副实)。
So you're going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense, mass market narrative and more assuming literary pretensions and being packages, however incongruously, as works of art. 所以你会发现,针对大众市场的叙事读物呈现在读者面前的书会越来越少,而自我标榜有文学价值,哪怕再不协调也要把自己包装成艺术作品的书会越来越多。
Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich. 令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块奶酪三明治。
In the shorter term, the bank needs to worry about a possible backlash against its incongruously generous pay policies. 在更短的时间内,高盛必须担心不合理的慷慨付款政策可能带来的反冲。
Incongruously, the trees had already been planted by late February, a necessity if they're going to grow leaves in the springtime. 今年二月底种下的园区树木显得与此有些不够协调,提早种树是为了春季时它们能长出叶子。
In so many reasons that cause the animal husbandry of meadow to develop incongruously, overload herds is the leading factor that causes meadow to degenerate, the contradiction between farming and animal husbandry to strengthen, locust's mouse to become more serious. 在众多引起草地畜牧业发展不协调的因素中,超载放牧是造成草地等级降低、农牧业矛盾加大、蝗虫鼠害严重的主导因素。