Historical applications ( that is, horribly outdated legacy code) sometimes refer to these directly, but produce errors during compilation because they're declared inconsistently. 历史应用程序(即很过时的遗留代码)有时会直接引用这些全局变量,但会在编译过程中产生错误,因为它们的声明并不一致。
In contrast, without resorting to the use of non-standardized and inconsistently implemented namespace extensions, RSS is capable only of handling plain text and escaped HTML content. 相比之下,由于不考虑使用非标准的名称空间扩展以及已实现的不一致的名称空间扩展,RSS只能处理普通文本和不严格的HTML内容。
As with almost all cross-browser issues, these ready states are used somewhat inconsistently. 与大多数跨浏览器问题一样,这些就绪状态的使用也不尽一致。
The challenges of this technique are that it's often inconsistently applied among developers on a team, and that it can be easy to miss opportunities for refactoring. 该技巧面临的挑战在于一个开发团队的开发人员的应用方法不一致,并且很容易错失重构的机会。
However, the proliferation of inconsistently developed services presents a challenge. 但是,现在面临着激增的不一致的服务的挑战。
The self-denying pair had been occupied in coaxing the appetites of some of their sick parishioners, whom they, somewhat inconsistently, tried to keep imprisoned in the flesh, their own appetites being quite forgotten. 原来两个只顾别人的老人,一心劝说他们教区里几个生病的教民吃饭,自相矛盾地要把他们囚禁在肉体的牢狱里①,而把他们自己吃饭的事全给忘了。
Anxious people who worry about whether their partner loves them often had parents who were inconsistently nurturing. 焦虑型的人担心他们的伴侣是否爱他们,这种人的父母通常对他们疏于照顾。
Prediction on mechanical parameters of inconsistently random composites by statistical second-order two-scale method 非一致随机分布复合材料力学参数预测的统计二阶双尺度方法
He acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks. 他买股票时有点言行不一。
If the girl is inconsistently talking to you for hours on the phone and ignoring you the next day then the case is she is moody. 如果这个女孩反复无常地在电话里和你谈好几个小时但是第二天不顾你,则这种情况是她喜怒无常。
But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them. 要注意不要在朋友面前表现得前后不一并让他们困惑于你对他们的感受。
Such litigants often face laws that are ambiguous, courts that rule inconsistently and patchy enforcement of rulings. 然而,这些诉讼人常常遇到法律规定模糊、法庭判决不一致和裁决执行不利等问题。
Meanwhile, Chinese officials have responded inconsistently. 同时,中国官员的回应也不一致。
Be aware that browsers implement standards inconsistently and make sure your site works reasonably well across all major browsers. 知道各大浏览器执行Web标准的情况,保证你的站点在主要浏览器上都能正常运行。
Each aspect of students'culture of the university A in Innermongolia is developed inconsistently. 内蒙古A大学学生文化各个层面发展不一致。
Exceptions did exist, especially with alkali-hydrolyzable N, readily available P, readily available K, and micro-elements, which sometimes altered inconsistently with the above-said patterns. 但也有例外,尤其是碱解N、速效P和速效K以及微量元素,有时出现与上述规律不一致的情况。
The authors calculate the Inner Mongolian employment elasticity at the different stages by means of Neoclassicism Growth model, showing that the economic growth and employment in Inner Mongolia has altered inconsistently. 进一步运用新古典增长模型作回归分析得到了不同阶段的就业弹性系数,结果表明内蒙古经济增长与就业弹性变动存在非一致性。
AIM: The relationship between cytotoxin-associated protein ( CagA)+ Helicobacter pylori ( H.pylori) infection and gastric cancer in China was reported inconsistently. 目的:CagA+H.pylori感染与胃癌的相关性在我国报道不一,且致癌机制不祥。
However, a lot of the network communication protocols are described with natural language, so the protocol could be understand inconsistently for different developers, or there may be problem in the protocol itself. 然而,用于网络通信的协议标准基本上都是用人们易于交流的自然语言表述的,以至于不同厂商对协议的理解可能会是不同的,或者协议本身就存在问题。
The result of immunohistochemistry is that there are inconsistently buffy substance like particles in cytoplasm and nuclear. 免疫组化的结果显示,在细胞浆或细胞核中可见有颗粒样分布深浅不一的棕黄色物质。
Interactive effects varied inconsistently. However, slightly higher values were observed during second year of experiment as compared to first year. 虽然年份和压实之间的交互影响作用不确定,但是,第二年中的各参数实测值要高于第一年。
Students of grade 9 understand inconsistently for function expressed with three methods. 3. 九年级学生对函数的三种表示方法的理解程度不一致。
All kinds of information and knowledge are geographical distributed and inconsistently described. 这些信息和知识地理上是分布的,对各种信息和知识模型的描述也不一致。