ADJ (通常幽默)屡教不改的,不可改造的 If you tell someone they are incorrigible, you are saying, often in a humorous way, that they have faults which will never change.
'Sue, you are incorrigible!' he said... “休,你真是不可救药!”他说道。
Gamblers are incorrigible optimists. 嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。
'Sue, you are incorrigible!' he said “休,你真是不可救药!”他说道。
Gamblers are incorrigible optimists. 嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。
He's a hopeless ( or incorrigible) liar. 他撒谎成性,没救了。
Bad habits of gamble or drug addiction which remain incorrigible despite repeated admonition; 有赌博、吸毒等恶习屡教不改的;
When disbelief of the human kind blossomed into misanthropy, the newly shaped end was incorrigible. ( UTOYXC) 当对人类的怀疑发展到愤世,新的结果便往往难以扭转了。
A little bit irritated, the czar repeated the procedure a third time, and, again the incorrigible hawk prevented him from drinking the water. 国王有些生气了,第三次去接水,可那只固执的鹰还是坚持不让他喝。
In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to order. 真的,我发现自己在秩序方面实在积习难改。
A victim of his own incorrigible lying. 说谎成性反害了自己的人。
Politicians pushing the get-tough approach sometimes claim that sex offenders are mostly incorrigible: that three-quarters or even nine out of ten of them reoffend. 支持对性侵犯者进行严厉制裁的政客们常常将这归咎为性侵犯者绝大部分是无药可救的:他们中的四分之三甚至是百分之九十都会再次犯罪。
Summer, fall, winter, spring, another summer, another fall& so much he had given of his active life to the incorrigible lips of Judy Jones. 夏,秋,冬,春,年复一年&他将大好年华倾注在茱蒂·琼斯魅惑的双唇间,难以自拔。
She's an incorrigible liar. 她是个永不改悔的撒谎者。
He is an incorrigible thief and has been to the jail many times. 他是个惯盗,已经入狱好几次了。
Disaster, she thought, had been coming for months, ever since Spring Moon returned with that incorrigible grandchild of Hanlin. 她想,自从春月带着翰林那个野性难驯的外孙女回来以后,这几个月尽是灾难。
He is an incorrigible tinkerer who holds four elevator patents. 他是一个拥有4项升降机发明专利的不可救药的野孩子。
Every privileged class tries at first to whitewash its black sheep, if they prove incorrigible, they're kicked out. 每个特权阶级对于它内部的害群之马最初都是设法加以掩饰,要是沽恶不恂就踢出去。
No one could understand why he stood up for an incorrigible criminal. 没人能明白他为什么站在一个无药可救的罪犯一边。
You have no business to be incorrigible,'was his friend's answer, delivered in no very soothing tone. “你没有必要无可救药,”他的朋友回答,并没有带多少安慰的口气。
Though he claims to want to retire, Mr Thaksin, an incorrigible politician never happier than in front of a crowd, has no intention of stepping back from the limelight. 虽然他信声称希望退休,但作为一个无可救药的、最喜欢抛头露面的政客,他根本无意退到镁光灯背后。
An incorrigible liar, gambler, gossip, etc 不可救药的撒谎的人、赌徒、是非小人等
In any case the incorrigible are few, such as Chen tu-hsiu, Chang kuo-tao, Kao kang, Jao Shu-shih and also Chen Kuang and Tai chi-ying. 不可救药的人总是很少的,比如陈独秀、张国涛、高岗、饶漱石,还有陈光、戴季英。
She is a relapsed heretic, obstinate incorrigible, and altogether unworthy of the mercy we have shown her. 她是个故态复萌的异端分子,顽固不化,不可救药,完全不配享受咱们恩赐给他的仁慈。
It might keep them honest and it might weed out the incorrigible ones. 或许会让他们老实点,说不定还可以清除掉那些死不悔改的法官。
That you're taking a break from your marriage and you're incorrigible. 你想从婚姻中暂时解脱一下和你无可就药。
But the question is how, if a learner of English does not know how to practice, he must be irrevocably incorrigible. 但是问题是如何才能做到熟能生巧呢?当英语学习者不知道如何练习时,他难免会认为自己不可救药了。
Advance bravely and arrest all the incorrigible war criminals. (二)奋勇前进,逮捕一切怙恶不悛的战争罪犯。
He is a head of a feudal faction, which makes him cruel and incorrigible, and a financial bigwig, which backs up his character. 他是个封建帮派头目、金融大亨,前者使他性格残忍冷酷,手腕毒辣,流氓成性;
Ayer insists: 'What we directly perceive are sense-data', and furthermore, he produces the incorrigible foundations for the empirical knowledge. 艾耶尔提出:我们直接感知到的是感觉予料,以此还为经验知识找到了感觉予料陈述作为不可错的基础。
Diagnosis and treatment of severe cranio-cerebral injury complicated with acute peptic ulcer hemorrhage and incorrigible spasmolygmus in 24 cases 重型颅脑损伤急性上消化道出血并顽固性膈肌痉挛24例临床分析
Low-level repeated construction has become a incorrigible illness for our country's economic development. 低水平重复投资建设,大而全、小而全已经成为我国经济发展中的一个顽症。