The controversial New York Times bestseller inculcated readers to Ferriss's lifestyle design principle, serving up ways to optimize the work day and increase quality of life. 这本书成为《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的最畅销著作,但也引起了很大争议。它极力向读者推荐菲利斯的生活方式设计原则,还提出了优化工作时间,提高生活质量的方法。
They have been inculcated with a lust for prestige and a fear of doing things that may put their status at risk. 他们被反复灌输的,是对名望的渴望,以及对从事可能让自己的地位岌岌可危的事情的恐惧。
To it studies to be as to the traditional one is inculcated with briefly person who produce. 生成性的学是相对于传统的简单灌输而言的。
It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form. Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge. 要给基督教禁欲主义涂上一层社会主义的色彩,是再容易不过了。
It has inculcated a remarkably high standard of morality. 它灌输一个非常高标准的道德准则。
The budgeteers and the technicians may not like it, but it's the values inculcated by policies that matter most. 政府预算人员和技术人员可能不会同意,但是政策所灌输的价值是最重要的。
An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. 人们还把夸张的竞争姿态教给学生,训练他们对好胜喜功的崇拜,以作为他们未来生涯的一种准备。
He strongly inculcated the doctrine of self& reliance, of purity, of courtesy, of enlightenment, of peace and of universal love. 他极力主张和倡导“自主”、“纯洁”、“谦恭”、“觉悟”、“和平”和“博爱”的思想。
I was inculcated with the Marxism. 哲学课上,我被灌输马克思主义。
Medicine appeals to my deep appreciation for human life, inculcated by studying man as both a human being and biological machine. 对人类生命的深深敬畏是医学吸引我的起因,同时这种吸引在我对人这既是人又是生物机械的研究中被一次又一次地加深。
Those selected will first be inculcated in the Microsoft culture and will spend 18 months in the company in three locations, including the US and Europe. 入选者首先会被灌输微软文化,随后在包括美国和欧洲在内的三个地方工作18个月。
This association helped a lot in consolidating my programming skills, especially in C-language. Thus, it inculcated in me problem solving and analytical abilities. 这次合作帮助巩固了我的编程技术,尤其是C语言,培养了我处理问题和分析问题的能力。
The media of all countries play on prejudice that has often been inculcated in schools. 各国媒体都在利用学校教育中常常灌输的一种民族偏见。
The shelf life of sterile Pseudosciaena crocea tissue blocks was obvious longer than Scophthalmus maximus and the shelf life of the two fish blocks inculcated with Pseudomonas spp. was longer than Shewanella. 大黄鱼无菌鱼块的货架期比大菱鲆的明显长,接种假单胞菌的两种鱼块的货架期比接种希瓦氏菌的稍长。