These increases were partly offset by a decrease in certificates of indebtedness. 但有关增幅因负债证明书减少而被部分抵销。
This country faces a future of indebtedness unless there is substantial investment in manufacturing industry. 除非在制造业上有大量的投资,否则这个国家面临着负债的前景。
The inspiration from the theory of modern capital structure is that indebtedness can bring tax avoidance and income from financial leverage to electric enterprises. 通过分析现代资本结构理论,得到了负债经营可为电力企业带来避税效应和财务杠杆利益的启示。
I readily acknowledge my indebtedness to my friends for all they have done. 我非常乐意对我朋友们所做的一切表示由衷的感激。
Nietzsche acknowledges that his inquiries into indebtedness and contractual obligation have so far ignored the moralization of these concepts. 尼采认识到,他对债务和合同,义务到目前为止的追索,是忽略了这些概念的道德化。
On almost any measure, housing valuations and household indebtedness are still more extreme. 几乎以所有标准衡量,英国的房地产估值与家庭负债程度都更高。
But, in the short run, the fall in wages and prices worsens the overhang of euro-denominated indebtedness. 但短期而言,薪资和价格下降加重了欧元计价债务的威胁。
All over the world student indebtedness is causing problems& witness this month's violent protests in Chile. 世界各地的学生债务正引发了一系列的问题,这个月在智利发生的暴力抗议事件便是例证。
A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profit sharing contract. 证券是一个分享利润的合同的债权凭证或权益证明。
Here I would like to discuss what one should do to lower the distress caused by indebtedness. 在这里我想讨论什么应该做的,以较低的困扰所造成的负债。
The growth of indebtedness of the weak euro currencies to the strong has already happened and is continuing. “软欧元”国家对“硬欧元”国家的负债已经出现上升,而且这一趋势还在继续。
The interaction of high indebtedness with deflation could, they argue, create a downward spiral. 他们指出,高负债与通缩相互作用,会造成螺旋式下降。
The increase was due mainly to an increase in certificates of indebtedness. 货币基础增加,主要是由于负债证明书增加。
The decrease was due mainly to decreases in certificates of indebtedness and in government-issued currency notes. 货币基础减少,主要是由于负债证明书及政府发行的纸币减少。
The decrease in foreign currency assets was due mainly to decreases in certificates of indebtedness and repurchase agreements outstanding. 外币资产减少,主要是因为负债证明书及未完成的回购协议减少。
Taken three studies together, the dissociation between gratitude and indebtedness in China was supported. 三个研究的结果共同支持了感恩和亏欠在中国文化下的分离。
Soaring house prices and rising household indebtedness were the vehicles through which policy worked. 不断飙升的房价和不断加剧的家庭负债是政策得以发挥作用的两种工具。
If we add financial sector debt, the rise in gross private indebtedness is 111 percentage points. 如果加上金融业的债务,则私人部门总负债程度上升了111个百分点。
In this, he explains how the combination of falling asset prices with high indebtedness forces the private sector to stop borrowing and pay down debt. 在书中,他解释了不断下跌的资产价格和负债率高企如何联手迫使私营部门停止借贷,而急于清偿债务。
Dealing with indebtedness is crucial but the global community must also support growth. 解决债务问题十分关键,但为增长提供支持也是全球社会必须做的事。
Doing so would help President Barack Obama and Congress reduce indebtedness, at little cost. 这样做会帮助美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)和国会以极小的代价削减债务。
Account, any interest owing in respect of any overdraft, and any indebtedness owing to the Bank. 银行有权按照现行规定,定期从帐户中扣收帐户维护费用、透支利息、和其它欠款。
Those who worry most about consumer indebtedness should support a major fiscal contribution to any stimulus. 那些最担心消费者债务过重的人士,应该支持主要通过财政政策刺激经济。
At the heart of the global crisis is the explosion of indebtedness in advanced economies. 引发本轮全球危机的是发达经济体债务问题的爆发。
To the extent that expansionary fiscal policies affect growth, their impact on future indebtedness is attenuated as tax collections rise, transfer payments fall, and the ability of the economy to support debt increases. 扩张性财政政策对经济增长产生了影响,就这一点来说,随着税收的增加、转移支付的减少以及经济支撑债务能力的增强,这些政策对未来负债的影响会减弱。
I should like to acknowledge my indebtedness and gratitude to my graduate study supervisors. 我想对培养我的研究生导师表示感谢。
The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring. 发达国家政府普遍存在的高负债水平,当然不会让人放心。
A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life. 阿债务的感激和对他人的意识和慷慨和善良生活的重要源泉。
One of these may be the level of indebtedness of households in the us. 其中一项因素可能是美国家庭的负债水平。