After months of indecision, the government gave the plan the go-ahead on Monday 经过几个月的迟疑不决,政府在周一批准了这项计划。
The team has been plagued by indecision and internal divisions. 优柔寡断与内部分裂深深困扰着该团队。
For weeks now the government has been paralysed by indecision 到现在,政府因为无力决断已经陷入瘫痪达数周。
Their indecision has been replaced by confidence and steely determination 他们的优柔寡断已经被自信和钢铁般的决心所取代。
She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension and indecision 她尽力保持镇定,可还是由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。
At the moment of indecision, we helped them make up their minds. 正在进退两难的当口,我们帮他们下了决心。
He halted before the door in indecision. 他在门前犹豫不决地停了下来。
Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future. 它是窃取机会和事业的贼,它还会偷去你实现更美好未来的机会。
The second enemy we face is indecision. 我们面临的第二个敌人是优柔寡断。
I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision. 我会避免两种错误:仓促行事和优柔寡断。
But I was full of fear and indecision. 可是我非常害怕又犹豫不决。
Indecision may or may not be my problem. 优柔寡断或许是我的问题&或许不是。
This vicious cycle is gaining momentum and, frankly, it has been exacerbated by policy indecision and political dysfunction. 这种恶性循环的势头正在加强,坦率地讲,政策方面的优柔寡断和政治失灵加剧了这种情况。
The times you are living through do not permit of weakness or indecision. 你们所处的时代不容许软弱或优柔寡断。
After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose. 我犹豫了片刻,在看出他的态度不会发生改变后,站了起来,一拳打在了他的鼻子上。
Indecision and hesitation are fatal in any officer; in a commander-in-chief, they are criminal. 优柔寡断、疑不决对军官而言,是致命的毛病。若是总司令如此,则是犯罪的行为。
She picked up the cookery book and felt the frustrations of indecision. 她拿起了烹饪书,并感受到了彷徨的挫折感。
His indecision caused him to lose the chance of a new challenging job. 他的犹豫不决使他失去了一次得到新具有挑战性的工作的机会。
Where Do You Turn in a Time of Indecision and Desolation? 在犹豫不决感觉凄凉的时候,你会做什么?
And I will be on guard against two evils: hastiness and indecision. 而且我将防范两个邪恶:草率、优柔寡断。
Frequently he is in a state of conflict or indecision. 他经常处于一种内心矛盾或迟疑不决的状态。
She felt ill with anxiety and indecision. 她因忧虑和迟疑不决而感到病了。
Policy indecision has exacerbated uncertainty and added to financial strains, feeding back into the real economy. 政策上的犹豫不决加大了不确定性,加剧了金融紧张,反过头来影响到了实体经济。
He did not begin, but, in his indecision, met her glance. 他并没有立即说起,却在犹豫时迎接了她的目光。
These days they come not to praise, but to accuse him of over-reaching and indecision. 如今,他们停止了称赞,开始指责他的过度干预与优柔寡断。
A moment's indecision when you've got the ball and you could lose the game. 你得球时的一时犹豫就可能会使你输掉比赛。
These discussions caused no delay or indecision in our actions. 这些讨论并没有使我们的行动延迟或犹豫不决。
To recognize this fact, however, is not to counsel inaction, indecision, or despair. 然而,承认这一事实并不是要人无所作为,犹豫不决,或者陷入绝望;
How many forms can indecision take? 犹豫能有几种形式?
We finally decided to go abroad after years of indecision. 经过多年的踌躇,我们终于决定要去国外了。