In fact KM technically and institutionally indemnifies for transferring a traditional enterprise to a learning organization. 知识管理为企业打造学习型组织提供了技术层和制度层上的保障。
Company indemnifies Representative and shall hold it harmless for any loss, damages, expenses, claims and demands arising from a failure by Company to perform any part of this agreement. 公司作为赔偿代理人,保护其免于因遵行合约受阻时而引起的任何损失,赔偿,损耗,申诉和索赔等。
The budget would trim subsidies for crop insurance, which indemnifies farmers when revenues or harvests drop. 这项预算还将削减对农作物保险的补贴,农作物保险能够偶在收入或产量下滑时为农民提供保障。
This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness. 这个计划为因生病而失去工薪的工人担保。
Corporate Reimbursement reimburses a corporation for its loss where the corporation indemnifies its directors and officers for claims against them. 公司补偿保险是指保险公司赔偿公司由于其补偿受到索赔而承担民事责任的董事及高级职员所受到的损失,即对公司补偿董事的风险进行保险。
The objects that public rental housing indemnifies are migrant workers and graduates who are called "sandwich class" that could not satisfy the conditions of low rent housing or have enough money to buy affordable housing. 公租房的保障对象主要是城市外来务工人员、应届毕业生等即不满足廉租房要求又无法负担经济适用房的城市夹心层。