Accounting for pension costs and severance indemnities; 养恤金费用和离职偿金的计核算;
Where the Applicant is more than one person, the representations, warranties, undertakings and indemnities given herein shall be deemed to be given by all the Applicants jointly and severally. 当申请人多于一个人时,本弥偿书的陈述、保证、承诺及弥偿均被视作由所有申请人共同及分别地作出。
The Contractor shall in mandatory manner give notifications to the insurers and agree to adjust all insurance claims with the customer, as well as to use the received insurance indemnities strictly for restoration of the damaged infrastructure, or compensation of the incurred damage. 承包商应强制性地向承保方发出通知并与业主协商调整所有保险索赔,同时将所收到的保险赔偿严格用于受损基础设施的修复或补偿相关损害。
Account for end-of-service grants and indemnities 服务终了补助金和赔偿金帐户
Under the terms of these treaties China relinquished sovereignty, ceded territory and paid indemnities. 在这些条约的规定下,中国割让土地、量赔款。
The foregoing shall not relieve the contractor of his obligations under the provisions of the contract, which by their nature survive completion of the work including, without limitation, warranties, guarantees and indemnities. 上述事项不应解除合同规定的、根据其性质持续到工程竣工的承包商义务,包括并不限于担保、保证和赔偿。
If the workers have already worked for the employer, the employer or its capital contributors shall pay the workers remunerations, economic compensations or indemnities as prescribed in this Law. 劳动者已经付出劳动的,该单位或者其出资人应当依照本法有关规定向劳动者支付劳动报酬、经济补偿、赔偿金;
The victorious nation is demanding huge indemnities from its former enemy. 战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款。
We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. 我们不为自己索取赔款,不为我们将要付出的自愿牺牲寻求物质上的补偿。
The indemnities extended by the parties under the contract shall cover not only sums paid by and on behalf of one party in satisfaction of the judgement or award, but also all reasonable sums including costs, legal fees and expenses paid by the other party. 合同方的延伸赔偿范围不仅包括合同一方及其代表支付的裁决或判决费用,而且包括另一方支付的包括诉讼费、法律费用和开支在内的所有合理费用。
They will also be allowed to make social security payments into their own fund to cover work accidents and indemnities. 这部新的法律赋予巴勒斯坦人在私营部门工作的权利,他们还获准向自己的基金缴纳社会保险金,以应对事故或受伤。
Statistics show that, by way of these unequal treaties, the foreign aggressors made away with more than 100 billion taels of silver as war indemnities and other payments in the past century. 据统计,近百年来,外国侵略者通过这些不平等条约掠去战争赔款和其他款项达白银1000亿两。
In the E-Bank trade, we should concentrate to protect consumer's rights in the aspects of safety, privacy, knowing what happened, fair deal and acquiring reasonable indemnities etc. 在网络银行交易中,对客户权益的保护应集中在安全保障权、隐私权、知情权、公平交易权和获得合理赔偿权等方面。
Claim Indemnities, the Second Profit Source of Construction Enterprise 索赔&施工企业的第二利润源
The contents of contract management for contractor are explained on the followed aspects: i.e, variation of construction works, unforeseeable external conditions, claim indemnities and adjustment of contract price. 从工程变更、不可预见的外界条件、索赔、合同价调整四个主要方面阐述了承包商在施工承包工程中的合同管理工作。
Civil indemnities concerning securities crime has become a recent focus arousing heavy discussions in both legal and securities circles. 证券犯罪中的民事赔偿是近来法律界、证券界议论比较多的问题。
The reasons of the rising of this movement are: 1. The United States return part of the Boxer indemnities; 这次留美运动兴起的原因是:1.美国退回部分庚子赔款;
In this article the author analysis and studies in details the learning, cases and system of civil indemnities related to insider trading in America. 作者以美国的证券内幕交易民事赔偿为例,对美国的内幕交易民事赔偿的学说、判例和制度作了较详尽的剖析、研究。
The number and value the claim settling, indemnities are the most of the united states, the western Europe and Japan. 美国的产品责任保险业务量最大,赔款数量和索赔的金额也最大,其次是西欧和日本。
Through the Sino-Japanese War, Japan got huge indemnities. The victory of Russo-Japanese War brought Japan wide colony and resources for its industry. The First-World-war exported Japanese commodities to the world markets. 日本通过中日甲午战争获得巨额的战争赔款,日俄战争的胜利给日本带来了广阔的殖民地和工业原料,第一次世界大战又为日本的商品打开了国际市场。