The increase slowed to 0.4 percent, possibly indicating the start of a downtrend. 增长幅度降到了0.4%,可能意味着下降的开始。
They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem in the left engine. 他们没有意识到仪表板上的指示信号表明左引擎出现了严重问题。
I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating. 我查看了那根音量指针是否在摆动。
Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children 调查人员已经发现了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。
When dog bites dog, each gets a mouthful of fur--usually indicating unjustifiable disputes. 狗咬狗,两嘴毛。
Currently the AuthProviderSpecificID is composed from a type field, indicating the type of entry and some ID string. 当前,AuthProviderSpecificID由一个类型字段(表示条目的类型)和某个ID字符串组成。
By default the index is0, indicating that the first section will be used. 默认情况下索引为0,表示将使用第一个部分。
A blue sphere appears indicating a breakpoint is set for this line. 这样就会出现一个蓝色圆点,它表示已为该行设置了断点。
You should see some output in the console indicating that it compiled successfully. 您应当会在控制台中看到表明已成功编译该方法的一些输出。
Var is a constant, indicating that the package relates to variables. var是一个常量,它指示了与变量相关的包。
The output of each issue-resolution subprocess is a flag indicating what has been done to the transaction. 每个问题解决子流程的输出都是一个标志,指示对事务进行了什么处理。
It will have a topic indicating it's an email notification. 它包含一个主题,表明它是一个电子邮件通知。
If the logon fails, return the information indicating the driver has not logged in to the system. 如果登录失败,则返回指示驱动程序未登录到该系统的信息。
A response is then sent in JSON indicating success. 然后用JSON发送一个表示成功的响应。
There is new research indicating a link between neurological problems and bleeding disorders. 研究表明神经问题和出血紊乱有关联。
( combining form) indicating radiation or radioactivity. (化和形式)指示放射或放射能的。
And indicating the registration number of the registration concerned and the change to be recorded. 文函中注明有关注册的注册号和请求变更的内容。
May for avoid these questions to these questions research analyses the appearance indicating the direction. 对这些问题的研究分析可以为避免这些问题的出现指明方向。
SSL has received an error from the server indicating an incorrect Message Authentication Code. SSL从服务器接收到一个错误,其中指出了一个不正确的“消息验证代码”。
Gets or sets a value indicating whether permission to execute code is declared. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否声明了执行代码的权限。
Represents the event code indicating that an unclassified error occurred. 表示的是指示发生了未分类错误的事件代码。
I watched the video and saw nothing indicating the danger to anyone. 视频我看了,没有看到有对哪一个人造成危险的迹象。
An empty string indicating that no user identity is specified by default. 一个空字符串,表明默认情况下不指定任何用户标识。
Sets/ returns value indicating the number of files stored in the most recently used submenu. 设置/返回一个值,用于指示存储在最近使用过的子菜单中的文件的数目。
If a request is not finished in this time, a result indicating an exceeded timelimit will be returned. 如果一个请求在该时间内没有完成将会返回一个表示超时的结果。
Indicating or determining size and position in space. 标志或确定空间上的尺寸或位置的。
This property returns a value indicating the time the certificate was validated, expressed in local time. 此属性返回一个值,该值指示用本地时间表示验证证书的时间。
Event viewer contains an event indicating that this mode change has occurred. 事件查看器将包含一个事件,指示已发生了此模式更改。
The first lane is Time, indicating when this lock contention occurs. 第一列是时间,表明什么时候锁出现了竞争。
A musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure. 表示两个或者四个半音符构成一个小节的音乐拍子记号。