Indicia: Formal mailing information or permit, as on business reply envelopes or bulk mail, printed on envelope or item to be mailed. 邮政标记:印于信封上或邮寄物品上,例如商业回邮信封或在大量邮寄的正式邮寄资料或执照。
GOODWILL GAMES name, logos, and all related indicia are trademarks of Goodwill Games, Inc. 亲善比赛名字,标识语,和所有相关标记是亲善比赛公司的商标。
They are talking about the press opinion and other indicia of public sentiment. 他们正谈论报章社论以及其他代表舆论的东西。
On the basic of this research, a reasonable design processing flowsheet has been made and good ore dressing indicia has been achieved. 在该研究的基础上,选矿工艺研究制定了合理的工艺流程,取得了良好的选矿指标。
The data in the tree is mapped into the ordered sequence vector with numerical indicia defining the position of the named data in the ordered sequence vector. 利用在所述顺序排列向量中确定命名数据位置的数字标识,将所述树上的所述数据映射到所述顺序排列向量中。
Based on the analysis, the pathogenic rate of the rice Zhe 173 ( PT ⅳ) to hybrid medium indicia rice, medium japonica rice and hybrid medium japonica was higher than others. 根据白叶枯病菌不同致病型菌株对参试品种致病率的分布情况分析,浙173菌株(致病型Ⅳ)对杂交中籼、常规中粳稻和杂交中粳稻的致病率较高。
The main results were as follows: with the evolution of Indicia rice varieties, Methane transport rate of plant increased, the root oxidizes increased gradually. 结果表明:在品种演进过程中,稻株甲烷传输速率逐渐增大(南京1号偏小除外),根氧化力与甲烷传输速率趋势一致。