But the deal by the unnamed company described in the two indictments appears identical to the one signed by Nike and CBF in 1996. 但两份起诉书提及的由这家未指明的企业达成的协议,似乎就是耐克与巴西足协在1996年签订的一项协议。
The indictments come at a particularly sensitive time in United States relations with China. 此次指控的时机正值中美关系处于一个特别敏感的当口。
The arrest and indictments revealed on Tuesday seemed bound to revive the tensions with Beijing. 周二宣布的逮捕和指控似乎注定会再次引发与北京之间关系紧张。
Most indictments filed over the past two years have resulted from simpler investigations: Chinese citizens in the United States being charged with stealing intellectual property from their American employers and sending it back to China for replication abroad. 过去两年提出的多数起诉均源于一些较为简单的调查:身在美国的中国公民被指从美国雇主那里窃取知识产权,并发送回中国,用于海外的复制。
During the first nine months of the year, the Justice Department reported 20 new prosecutions under the Economic Espionage Act a 33 percent increase from 2013 and several convictions, but only two of the indictments involved trade secrets theft via digital intrusions. 在头九个月里,司法部通报,根据《经济间谍法》提出了20起新的诉讼较2013年增长了33%其中有一些人定罪,但其中只有两起指控与网络窃取商业机密有关。
A former top FIFA executive who was indicted, Jack Warner, turned himself in to the police late Wednesday in his native Trinidad, and in Argentina a judge issued arrest warrants for three media and marketing executives names in the indictments. 被指控的国际足联前高管杰克·沃纳(JackWarner)在周三晚间于母国特立尼达向警方自首,阿根廷的一位法官也对起诉书中控告的三名媒体与营销高管发出了逮捕令。
The Kim family and its state defenders are probably feeling particularly sensitive because of the shadow of possible international indictments. 由于可能在国际社会遭受起诉,金氏家族及其政权捍卫者大概尤为敏感。
In 2013, the Justice Department brought several indictments that charged Chinese nationals with stealing trade secrets for the benefit of corporations in China, but none of the cases involved trade secrets obtained through online attacks. 2013年,司法部发起了多起诉讼,指控一些中国公民窃取商业机密,从而为中国的企业牟利,但这些案子都与网络攻击无关。
It is one of the show's many pleasures that it revels in such indictments of extreme capitalism. 这部剧集在点滴中都在透露着对极端资本主义的指控。
Strikingly, these indictments could just as well be levelled against virtually every other other economics establishment notably most central banks, and much of the academic economics profession. 引人注目的是,这些“指控”同样适用于几乎所有其它经济组织尤其是大多数央行,以及经济学术界的很多人。
These are indictments of capitalists, not of capitalism. 这是对资本家的指控,而非资本主义。
At one time or another, in one place or anothr, some of these indictments have been valid. 这些指责中有些在某些时候和某些地方是确有根据的。
One of the indictments of civilization is that happiness and intelgence are rarely found in one person. 文明的控诉之一就是很难在一个人身上同时发现幸福和智慧!
A growing number of criminal investigations could potentially help civil shareholder cases if they result in indictments. 刑事调查的数量也不断上升,如果调查最终导致起诉,可能会有助于股东的民事诉讼。
One of Gatto's chief indictments of the public school system is that it forces children to believe they must wait for the instruction of the teacher in order for learning to take place. Gatto对公立学校体系的主要非难之一是,这种体制强迫孩子们相信必须等老师指导他们才能学习。
It was one of the most sweeping indictments of American capitalism ever drawn by a middle-class group. 这是中产阶级集团草拟的对美国资本主义最彻底的控诉书之一。
Indictments, judgments, notices and other documents should be written, according to actual needs, in the language or languages in common use in the locality. 起诉书、判决书、布告和其他文书应当根据实际需要使用当地通用的一种或者几种文字。
Heavy coverage area a jury to inquire in accusations of crime and to evaluate the grounds for indictments. 大功率雷达探测范围查究控告的罪行并估计控告的范围的陪审员。
Onest men will find security from alarms and indictments, while dishonest men will see in it the certainty of punishment. 诚实的人会从这些警示和起诉中得到安全保障,而不诚实的人则必将从中受到惩处。
These two indictments are self-evident and require no elaboration. 这两条意义自明,无须多说。
Both men have now written books laying out their indictments, and offering solutions. 如今两人都著书提出他们的控诉,并给出解答。
A New York jury brought criminal indictments against the founder of the organization. 纽约的一个陪审团对这个组织的创始人提起了多项刑事诉讼。
However, other banks may soon be forced into costly settlements, and management changes, or even face criminal indictments, if there is any evidence of collusion in American markets. 然而,如果有证据表明美国市场也参与其中的话,很快可能会有其它银行被迫进行巨额和解、发生管理层变动,甚至面临刑事指控。
Whether the shareholder's consent is an effective consent of victim and effective enough to vindicate the criminal indictments, specific conditions require concrete analyses. 股东同意是否是“有效”的被害人同意并进而具有排除刑法构成要件的效力则应具体问题具体分析。
Equivalence and Gap in Translation of Key Words in the Criminal Indictments in Chinese 中文刑事起诉书关键词英译的对等与空缺
The three indictments of naturalism are exactly its basically desirable characteristics. 自然主义三大罪状客观看来正是它基本可取的特征。