The ultimate goal of this course is to endow the students with the ability to vanquish the antipathy as well as the phobia-complex during the indoctrinating courses, by way of the appropriate texts. 以深浅适合的教材,使学生真正在学习的过程中间受惠,使其不再厌恶,恐惧。
Kennedy and has been at the forefront of indoctrinating the American public into their socialist one-world agenda. 在最近几年的光照已经涉嫌暗杀肯尼迪并一直走在美国民众灌输社会主义纳入一个全球议程。
After building close personal relationships with these students, the members reveal the religious nature of their group and start indoctrinating them. 在建立亲近的个人关系后,会友才展现出他们的团体的宗教本性,开始灌输教义。
Is the school indoctrinating your child with values or ideas that you think are harmful or dangerous? 是你的孩子在学校灌输价值观或想法,你觉得是有害或危险?
Shifts from indoctrinating knowledge to developing learning ability. 转变,从向发展中国家灌输知识的学习能力。
It prevents school authorities from indoctrinating their children with warped values, pagan religions, or politically-correct ideas. 它妨碍子女灌输由校方扭曲的价值观,帕敢宗教或政治正确的观念。
Therefore the indoctrinating education is less and less adaptable to the new demands of the education of Marxism in college. 灌输教育已越来越无法适应新形势下马克思主义理论教育的新要求。
In the internet age, the teaching pattern needs to be changed from indoctrinating teaching to research teaching. 在网络时代下,要求教学模式从传递型教学转变为研究型教学。
Analysis on the Strategy of Home Indoctrinating Education& Kindly Answer Children's Questions 家庭灌输教育的策略探析&善待孩子的提问
It is supposed to reinforce the action of consumers 'representative from the aspects of propagandizing the price hearing of witness, indoctrinating the masses with hearing consciousness, consummating the mechanism of selecting representative, and so on. 应从加大价格听证宣传、增进公众听证意识、完善消费者代表遴选机制等方面加强消费者代表的作用。
Permeating education is a sort of educational method, approach, or principle that is opposite to indoctrinating education, the essence of which is that it exerts a subtle influence on students, like drizzle that soaks everything silently. 渗透教育是一种与灌输教育相对应的教育方法、途径和原则,其核心思想是潜移默化、润物无声。
The 21 century society which is open and diversity requests Chinese colleges have a change in moral education: to lay stress on developing students 'ability of value choosing other than indoctrinating students with the knowledge about moral. 21世纪开放、多元的社会要求学校德育从强调知识的灌输转到强调发展学生的价值判断与选择能力上来。
As the new curriculum reform goes deeper, the result-oriented, indoctrinating, closed traditional education transits to the process-oriented, inquiry, open modern education gradually. 随着新课程改革的深入,以前注重结果、灌输式的、封闭式的传统教育逐渐向注重过程、探究式的、开放式的现代教育过渡。
Western countries "peaceful evolution" policy is through the popular culture indoctrinating western political ideas and values of capitalism to university students. 西方国家的和平演变政策也正通过大众文化这个渠道,向大学生们渗透西方政治观念以及资本主义价值观。
The rich significance of learning is replaced by indoctrinating and training with mechanical and industrial character. The spirit world of human is twisted by uniform knowledge teaching. 学习的丰富内涵被带有强烈的机械化、工业化色彩的灌输、训练所取代,人的精神世界被整齐划一的知识教学所扭曲。
Movies, as a synthetic artistic form, perform the unique social function of indoctrinating the audience and inoculating them with dominant ideological conceptions. 电影作为一种面向大众的综合艺术形式有其独特的社会功能,即在电影的放映过程中教化受众,传播意识形态理念。
Yu Yue thought highly of indoctrination, and he advocated indoctrinating by using popular literature. 俞樾重视教化,主张因势利导,利用通俗文学进行教化。