Like other Indonesians voting Thursday, Heriyadi Kurniawan will not say who he voted for, but does say what he wants his vote to accomplish. 星期四前去投票的库尼阿万和其他选民一样,不肯说明他投了谁的票,不过他却说明了他希望他投下的那一票起到什么作用。
Just then, Khruschev noticed that all the Indonesians present were staring at him, whispering and tittering. 这时,赫鲁晓夫发现周围的人露出微笑并窃窃私语。
When the "new order" government of former President Suharto implemented a discriminatory policy against Chinese Indonesians in the60s, the word "cina" was used routinely to refer to them. 60年代苏哈多领导“新秩序”政府推行歧视华人政策,“支那”之声不绝于耳。
Davila adds that Indonesians have a similar genetic variation to Chinese people the world's second largest TB patient group so it could be expected that the results can be applied to the latter. Davila补充说,“由于印度人与中国人的基因变异相似,因此这个发现也同样适用中国这个世界上第二大结核病国”。
Ambassador Marciel says more than ninety percent of Indonesians who request a visa to study in the United States are approved. MARCIEL大使称,几乎百分之九十的需要一份前往美国学习护照的人都得到了批准。
The Chinese Indonesians are now forced to flee to country and the investors are afraid. I began to feel dizzy and then I got palpitations and felt limb. 华人被逼逃难,投资者心有余悸。我起初感觉眩晕,然后心悸虚弱无力。