Japan has advanced from a rural, feudal society to an urban, industrial power. 日本已从封建农业社会发展成一个城市化工业强国。
Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity 港区在其最繁荣的时期曾是主要的工商业活动中心。
Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions 意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。
The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today. 由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。
There should be a seven-day cooling-off period between a strike ballot and industrial action. 在举行罢工投票表决和采取劳工行动之间应当有7天的冷静期。
This overall figure conceals wide divergences between the main industrial countries 这项综合数据掩盖了主要工业国家间的巨大分歧。
All industrial chemical plants produce waste effluents. 所有工业化工厂都会排放废水。
UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes. 英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。
The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution 政府本身几乎不了解工业污染的程度。
It exposes the fallacy of short-term industrial gain at long-term environmental expense. 这暴露了以长久的环境破坏为代价换取短期工业利益的错误。
Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas 曼彻斯特周围环绕着绿色乡村带、住宅区和工业区。
Japan's industrial output increased by 2% 日本工业产量增长了2%。
The new industrial relations legislation curbed the power of the unions. 新的劳资关系法规限制了工会的权力。
Britain's future as a leading industrial nation depends on investment. 作为一个主要工业国英国的未来要倚赖投资。
The government's industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left. 政府的工业政策遭到了左派的猛烈抨击。
Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century. 民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来,并且艰难挺进了20世纪。
The community is very mixed, not least because there are plenty of small industrial enterprises. 这个社区的成员非常复杂,尤其是因为这里有许多小型的工业企业。
We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution 我们认为直到工业革命时期才出现了要求彻底变革的第一波呐喊。
In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies 近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。
Industrial research is the province of the Department of Trade and Industry. 工业研究属贸易和工业部的职责范围。
We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. 我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。
Two of the lorries, carrying industrial resin and paint thinner, burst into flames. 其中运载工业树脂和涂料稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。
The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South. 这次辩论会将形成北方工业国家与南方发展中国家针锋相对的局面。
The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London. 7个主要工业国家将在伦敦举行一年一度的会议。
A new town has grown up in this industrial district. 在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市。
The government collided with Parliament over its industrial plans. 政府在工业规划上与议会发生冲突。
The backward place has changed into an industrial centre. 那落后的地方变成了工业中心。
Shanghai is the most important industrial base of China. 上海是中国最重要的工业基地。
Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture. 工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。
Since 1979, the state has given gold and silver awards for the best industrial artifacts. 从1979年以来国家为优秀工艺品颁发了金奖和银奖。