You can't afford to run busInesses Inefficiently In this day and age. 在现今,经营商店无能是不行的。
The good design principles of SOA are the difference between processes that are fragmented and inefficiently connected to the transactional backbone of the enterprise and processes that are an integral part of transforming a business. SOA的良好设计原则是碎片化、低效地连接到企业的事务主干的流程与作为业务转型的一个重要部分的流程之间的区别。
With the current situation there is too much manual effort to support the teams, and too much hardware is being consumed inefficiently. 在当前的状况中,有太多的手工努力来支持团队,有太多的硬件没有被有效地利用。
He added that in other sectors, such as social care, the problem was not a lack of employees but people working inefficiently over the course of a long shift. 他补充说,在其他诸如社会福利等部门,问题不在于缺少雇员,而在于长时间工作制度中员工的工作效率较低。
Commercials on TV They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. 它们巨贵无比,用一台数字录像机就能避开,而且没有针对性。
These vested interests lobby hard to protect distortions that deliver energy inefficiently and contribute to famine. 这些既得利益者大力游说,让这种低效率生产能源并导致灾荒的扭曲现象继续存在下去。
The setting of the play is a big, inefficiently run hotel. 这部剧的背景是一家经营不善的大饭店。
Land is distributed inefficiently or unfairly with the poor pushed onto unproductive land& and this requires legal reform followed by implementation. 土地的分配效率低下或不公平,穷人被推向了生产力低下的土地&而这需要法律改革以及之后的实施。
You want to know how an organization so powerful that can be run so inefficiently. 你想知道为什么一个这么强大的组织却如此没有效率吗。
These figures bear no relationship to overall company performance and indicate a dysfunctional market allocating resources inefficiently and providing perverse incentives along the way. 这种上涨与整体公司业绩毫无关系,表明失灵的市场正对资源进行无效的配置,同时提供了反向激励。
Third, China's high rate of investment has masked the fact that investment returns have been declining because capital is allocated inefficiently. 第三,中国的高投资率掩盖了这样一个事实:由于资本配置效率低下,投资回报率不断下滑。
The laureates 'research has shown that this makes possible market outcomes in which supply and demand are matched inefficiently or not at all. 三位获奖者的研究表明,这可能会导致供求出现无效率匹配或根本无法匹配的市场结局。
While it was once thought that the human body could convert ALA to EPA and DHA, current research shows that such conversion rarely and inefficiently occurs. 虽然之前有人说ALA在人体内也会被转换成EPA和DHA,但最新的研究却显示这种转换很少发生,而且没什麽效率。
Use inefficiently or inappropriately. 无效率或不适当地使用。
And many airports are inefficiently priced, with established airlines claiming grandfather rights over scarce take-off and landing slots. 而且许多机场定价不善,老牌的航空公司声称对稀缺的起飞和着陆配位享有祖父权利。
If there were no charge for products or services, the tendency would be to use them inefficiently. 如果对产品或服务不计算价格,则会造成资源利用的低效。
In fact, I have been not confident in doing it because It seemed that I translated it inefficiently everyday even though I had still worked hard. 实际上,我是没有信心翻译了,理由呢,尽管我仍然很努力地翻译,而每天效率都好像很低。
If you delete data or objects in an Access database, or if you delete objects in an Access project, the file can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently. 如果在Access数据库中删除数据或对象,或者在Access项目中删除对象,文件可能会变得支离破碎,并使得磁盘空间的使用效率降低。
He dealt inefficiently with the crisis. 他没有处理好那个危机。
Inefficiently priced markets drove this dreadful process. 未得到有效定价的市场,在这一可怕过程中起到了推波助澜的作用。
In many circumstances, feed resources are either unused and wasted, or used inefficiently. 在许多情况下,饲料资源没有得到利用或被浪费,或者利用效率低。
We sleep when it is light, and hence use daylight inefficiently. 天已经亮时我们还在睡觉,因此对白昼的利用不够充分。
Resources are insufficient, and they are inefficiently used, sometimes wasted on interventions that do no good, may cause harm, and have no evidence base. 资源不足,使用效率低下,有时还存在资源浪费现象,在徒劳无益、可能造成损害而且没有证据基础的干预措施上耗费了资源。
Too many of us are working too hard-and too inefficiently-for too long. 在我们中间,有太多的人太过努力地工作了太长的时间&而且效率太过低下。
It's highly possible that communicating only in a single way will make communicating easy to misunderstand and become more complex and inefficiently. 只采取一种方式进行交流也许会导致很容易产生误解从而使得交流变得复杂和低效率起来。
I fear that if I have to control my own time at home, I may study inefficiently. 我担心如果在家自行安排时间,读书可能没有效率。
In other words, China can probably go on spending inefficiently for several more years yet. 换言之,中国在今后几年也许仍可以维持低效率的支出。
Rather it shows how securities in a variety of market sectors can become inefficiently priced, creating potential bargains for those willing to hunt for them. 恰恰相反,它揭示了在变化无穷的市场中证券是怎样变得无效定价的,为那些愿意捕获便宜货的投资者创造了潜在的机会。
The small family farm is steeped in inefficiently and struggles just to survive. 小农场主陷于无效率的境况中,只为生存下去而苦苦挣扎。
Huang criticizes employees who work inefficiently during regular working hours in order to receive free meals, transportation fees, and extra pay. 黄先生批评一些员工,工作时间效率低下,这样就可以享受加班时问提供的免费餐、交通费和加班费。