The results show: firstly, NR is product of price inelasticity of demand; secondly, NR and SR can be substituted to a certain extent, but not completely from the perspective of the economics. 研究结果表明:天然橡胶属于需求缺乏弹性的商品;从经济学角度证明天然橡胶与合成橡胶在一定程度上可以相互替代。
Currently a lot of agriculture systems show certain inelasticity on certain level, the blame that this kind of inelasticity is agricultural system arrangement is balanced quality. 当前有许多农业制度在一定的程度上表现出一定的不适应性,这种不适应性就是农业制度安排的非均衡性。
By Monte Carlo simulations, the effect of the dispersion of the quasi Gaussian size distribution on dynamic behavior of the system is investigated in the same inelasticity case. 随后,建立了粒径为分形分布的准一维颗粒气体的动力学模型,其中每个颗粒受高斯白噪声驱动,研究了系统稳态的动力学特性。
These problems basically behave the PID that in its the foundation controls a share to control a method to be opposite the inelasticity of complex object. 这些新问题主要表现在其基础控制部分的PID控制方法对复杂对象的不适应性。
These inelasticity are a challenge that manages economy to corps, and this kind of challenge is all-around, of deep administrative levels. 这些不适应性是对兵团治理经济的一个挑战,而且这种挑战是全方位的、深层次的。
But comparing with economic internationalization and industrial distribution of Jiangsu, the internationalization of higher vocational education manifest some kinds of inelasticity. 但与江苏经贸国际化、经济国际化和经济发展的行业分布相比,江苏高职教育在国际化过程中却表现出一定的不适应性。
Come as intellectual economy, company finance affairs shows more and more apparent inelasticity, financial innovation is imperative. 随着知识经济到来,公司财务显示出越来越明显的不适应性,财务创新势在必行。
The change from city control to city operation can not be completed overnight. Many problems exist in the process, such as the competitive consciousness lacking of the government, the inelasticity of management measures and so on. 由传统的城市管制到城市经营的转变不是一朝一夕可以完成的,在推行城市经营过程中存在很多问题:政府缺乏竞争意识,经营思路缺乏弹性等等。
The double-wall grillage of a large scale ship is simplified to a orthotropic plates with transverse shear deformation. Allowing for the elastic angle constrains and the effect of inelasticity, a technique for rapidly calculating the critical stress of such orthotropic plates is proposed. 将大型船舶的双层板架模型化为正交异性极,考虑横向剪切变形和材料非弹性的影响,提出了一种在弹性角约束边界条件下求解双层板架临界应力的方法。
The main quantities or these arc the angular distribution, the transverse momentum and the inelasticity, in addition to the multiplicities of the different kinds of the secondary particles. 除了不同次粒子的多重性外,主要的物理量是:次粒子的角分布、它们的横动量和非弹性系数。
The land is the scarce property of human society. The inelasticity of its natural supply determines the transaction of land rights is crucial to economy development and the existence of human society. 土地是人类社会的稀缺性资产,其自然供给的无弹性使土地产权的流动对经济的发展乃至人类社会的生存至关重要。
Inelasticity of p-A Interaction and Its Dependence on the Mass of Target p-A作用的非弹性度及对靶核质量的依赖
Furthermore, tea income elasticity and price elasticity of demand are less than 1, so it make sure that elasticity of tea market demand is inelasticity. 从结果看,我国茶叶消费的价格弹性和收入弹性都小于1,表明弹性较弱;
The limitation of the traditional metalwork practice in cultivating the innovative consciousness of students and the inelasticity in management has been analyzed. 为此,分析了传统金工实习对培养学生创新意识的局限性和管理上的不适应性;
More practice proved that our corporation income tax system has many inelasticity with the rules of market economy and WTO not only in designing but also in practising. 实践证明,现行的企业所得税制度无论在其设计上还是在操作上都与WTO相关规则和市场经济的要求存在着诸多不适应性。
Non-Linear stiffness matrix of Single Member Considering P-⊿ Effect and Inelasticity 考虑P-⊿效应的单杆件弹塑性刚度矩阵
Furthermore, the results are closer to the inelastic solid Earth tide model than the elastic model. This manifests that precise determination of long period Love number can provide an important constraint to theories of Earth tide and Earth mantle inelasticity. 另外,上述结果更接近滞弹地球模型计算的结果,因此精确地测定长期潮Love数将对固体潮理论和地幔滞弹性提供重要的结束。
High Energy Behaviors of Inelasticity and Cluster Number in Interacting Parton Model 非弹性度和集团数在高能极限下的行为
However, with the development of the information revolution, market economy revolution, and especially with the eruption of Knowledge Economy, the existent surrounding of bureaucratic government has changed and the limitation and inelasticity of the bureaucratic paradigm has exposed. 然而随着信息革命、市场经济革命尤其是90年代知识经济的爆发,使得官僚制政府的生存环境发生变迁,官僚制范式的内在局限性和不适应性日益暴露出来。
The Traditional knowledge education pattern discovers its inelasticity and limitation. 以知识教育为核心的教育模式,日益暴露出其不适应时代要求的局限性。
A nonlinear finite element model ( FEM) has been developed for the analysis of soil-nailed support system. Meanwhile several kinds of constitutive model were chosen for the nonlinearity and inelasticity of soil, and the Goodman element was adopted for the soil-nail interface. 建立土钉支护的非线性有限元模型,土体本构采用多种本构模型,钉土之间采用Goodman单元模拟,能够模拟基坑的开挖与支护的施工过程。
Aiming at the specificity of the no-midway-stopping passenger trains, this paper points out the inelasticity with traditional maintenance, puts forward a new way which could increase the reliability and availability and decrease the LCC of the trains. 针对直达特快列车的特点,指出了现行机车维修方式的不适应性,提出了可以提高机车车辆可用性、降低寿命周期费用、保证可靠性的新思路。
The inelasticity of p-air and A-air interactions of superhigh energy cosmic rays is analysed and the influence of the nuclear collision geometry is investigated. 分析了超高能宇宙线的核子-空气核和核-空气核作用的非弹性度,并讨论了核碰撞几何对它的影响。
But, the defects of National Banking System, such as the inelasticity of currency, the scattered reserves, the backward commercial bill market and the lack of efficient check clearing system, etc., were obvious. 但国民银行体系的制度安排有着明显的缺陷,诸如准备金分散、通货无弹性、落后的商业票据市场和无统一有效支票清算机制等。
Combining Tikhonov regularization with homotopy method, this thesis constructs homotopy regularization algorithm, which mixes together the advantages of both. The algorithm avoids inelasticity of the inverse problems, and extends initial selection and algorithm convergence. 首先,结合Tikhonov正则化和同伦方法,构造了融合两者优点的同伦正则化算法,算法克服了反问题的不适定性,扩大了初始猜测选取和算法收敛的范围。
This part systematically explores the response process of Government Qing about the aggression of Japan against Korea, analyzes the features and failures of the policies of Government Qing, showing the changes from actuality, practicability to inelasticity. 系统考察清朝对日本图谋朝鲜的反应过程,分析其政策的特点和失误之处。揭示出清朝对朝鲜政策的特点呈现出从现实性、实用性到不适应性的变化。
As a proposition which refers to culture, ethic, human and education, moral education bear the brunt of the conflict yet. It puts up the inelasticity of the social development, the concession to the benthamism and the lost of scientism. 德育这样一个集文化、伦理、人学、教育等于一体的命题更是首当其冲,表现出了对社会发展的不适应性、对功利主义的屈从和对科学主义的迷失。