We are all bound by the inevitability of death 我们早晚都会有一死。
Success is an inevitability for us. 胜利对我们来说是必然的。
Instead, the most effective application development methods embrace the inevitability of change. 取而代之地是,最有效的应用程序开发方法包含了不可避免的变更。
The necessity that the job sums up, whether importance and inevitability are short of one cannot oh? 工作总结的必要性,重要性和必然性是否缺一不可哦?
So perhaps there's some comfort in the inevitability of death. 这样面对死亡必然性也许还有些安慰。
So we might ask,? what about this inevitability of death? 我们可能会问,这种死亡的必然性怎么了?
The arbitral property decides the inevitability of the judicial supervision. 仲裁的性质决定了司法监督的必然性。
The historical inevitability of Lenin's thought on political education. 列宁政治教育思想发展的历史必然性。
Overemphasis of the objectivity, inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice. 传统的教育规律观过分强调规律的客观性、然性和确定性,不利于人们的教育实践。
The major key to coping with change is to accept the reality of change and its inevitability. 应对变化的主要关键是接受变化的现实性和不可避免性。
Please think some more about technological determinism and historical inevitability as events unfold. 随着事件的不断展开,请对技术决定主义和历史必然性做更多的思考。
You must recognize the inevitability of change. 你必须认识到变革势在必行。
In China's social transition period, initiativing the administrative loyalty has inevitability. 在我国社会转型时期,倡导行政忠诚具有必然性。
Nongovernment business also increasingly realizes the important and inevitability of financial management. 民营企业也日益深刻的认识到了财务管理的重要性与必要性。
No one can deny that the internationalisation of the renminbi has a certain sense of inevitability about it. 没有人能够否认,人民币国际化在某种意义上存在必然性。
It must have a quality of inevitability in our ears. 它必须对我们的耳朵有一定的必然性。
One, the popular business and the inevitability of feasibility. 大众化经营的必然性与可行性。
In this logic, man and nature, free will and inevitability, and facts separated between values, is a key point. 在这一逻辑中,人与自然、自由意志与必然性、事实与价值之间的分立是一个关键点。
The importance and inevitability of leisure agriculture development is analyzed from the background, definition, condition, the way of operation, and the future of the leisure agriculture development is presented. 摘要从休闲农业产生的背景、内涵、条件和运营方式等方面分析了休闲农业发展的重要性和必然性,并介绍了休闲农业发展的前景。
Through the human right tireless pursuit of a harmonious society and the revelation in the first part, it exposed of contemporary China to build a harmonious society inevitability; 第一部分通过人类对和谐社会不倦追求的揭示,论述了当代中国构建和谐社会的必然性;
And she used me to teach us about the inevitability of human drama. 她用我教会了你人生戏剧的不可避免性。
It thinks the emergence of DINK phenomenon has it's own historical inevitability in china. 本文认为这一现象在中国产生有其历史必然性。
Acceptance of the inevitability of defeat. 对必然失败的结局的接受。
The major premise of syllogism is of universal inevitability, while that of the judicial syllogism has probability. 三段论的大前提具有普遍必然性,司法三段论的大前提具有或然性。
Like in the Greek tragedy, there is a sense of inevitability. 如同古希腊悲剧一样,这里面也有着一种必然性的感觉。
The freedom of philosophy lies in the unity of subjectivity and objective inevitability. 哲学的自由,体现在主体意志和客观必然性的统一上。
This kind of choice was tallies with the Chinese special national condition and the development under the historic condition then needs, had certain historical inevitability. 这种选择在当时的历史条件下是符合中国特殊国情和发展需要的,具有一定的历史必然性。
Chapter three explores the inevitability and social significance of Oedipus complex reflected in the play. 第三章探讨了该剧所反映的俄狄浦斯情结的不可避免性和其所具有的社会意义。
The publicity and openness of library provides access to possibility and inevitability of emergencies. 图书馆的公共性、开放性为突发事件的发生提供了可能性和必然性。
We've had inevitability; we had variability. 我们讨论过了死亡的必然性;,死亡的可变性。