Paris, let us confess it willingly allows infamy to furnish it with comedy. 我们应该承认巴黎心甘情愿让无耻在那儿装腔作势。
And over her grave, the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument. 而她必将带到坟墓中去的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。
Infamy was babbling around her in the public market-place. 在公共市场上,她周围泛滥着对她丑行的种种议论。
Whatever he might afterwards persuade her to, it was not on her side a scheme of infamy. 不管他以后会诱惑她走到哪一步田地,她可没有存心要做出什么丢脸的事来。
Hester, said he, I ask not wherefore, nor how, thou hast fallen into the pit, or say, rather, thou hast ascended to the pedestal of infamy, on which I found thee. 海丝特,他说,我不对你盘诘:出于什么原因或以何种方式,你堕入了深渊,或者宁可说,你登上了耻辱的刑台我正是在那儿见到你的。
But there stood one in the midst of you, at whose brand of sin and infamy ye have not shuddered! 但是就在你们中间,却站着一个人,他的罪孽和耻辱并不为你们所回避!
I can see fame.-I can see infamy. 我可以看到声名显赫。
What a horrible day of infamy in the life of this anointed man of God! 这是神的受膏者生命中何等声名狼藉的一天!
"No doubt, through interactions among themselves, most Singaporeans have formed habits of civilised conduct." His name will live in infamy, ie He will always be held in disgrace. 无可置疑,大部分的新加坡国民在公共生活中互相影响和互相监督,已经自发地养成文明习惯。他的名字将与耻辱共存。
When I first saw cov infamy what has been hailed as this summers most anticipated movie, The Dark Knight, I was ( like every other movie reviewer) blown away. 当我第一次看到冠状病毒的耻辱是什么一直被誉为这个夏天最令人期待的电影,黑暗骑士,我是(如每其他电影察)吹走。
The second quarter may well have marked the bottom. But it could also descend into infamy as the most deceptive three months in economic memory. 第二季度很有可能成为底部,但亦可能背负上经济记忆中最具欺骗性的三个月的恶名。
But it could also descend into infamy as the most deceptive three months in economic memory. 但是他也有可能背负上经济历史上最具有欺骗性的三个月的恶名。
December 7, 1941-a date which will live in infamy ( Franklin D. Roosevelt). 1941年12月7日&将作为一个耻辱的日子传诸后世(富兰克林d罗斯福)。
"And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?" She would not endure her son's imprudence. 您没办法阻止这种无耻的行为吗?她不会忍受她儿子无耻的行为。
To expose to infamy or public ridicule. 暴露以出丑或当众嘲弄。
Property developers earned their infamy in the years when the country felt like a huge building site. 在该国像一个大建筑工地的年月里,房地产开发商赢得了他们的臭名。
To leave this life of infamy. 脱离这种下贱的生活!
Yesterday, December 7th 1941, a date which will live infamy. 昨天,1941年12月7日,将永远成为我们的耻辱日。
They may grant you power, honour, and riches but afflict you with servitude, infamy, and poverty. 他们可以给你权力、荣誉和财富,但却用奴役、耻辱和贫穷来折磨你。
It is better to die with honor than to live in infamy. 宁可死于名誉中,也不要活在声名狼藉下。
She must live that my infamy may diminish hers. 她一定不能死,我的耻辱也许会减轻她的内疚。
No longer a badge of infamy, made in China must become synonymous with quality. 中国制造必须洗脱恶名,成为质量的代名词。
In fact, many even seem to take a bit of good-spirited pride in their infamy. 事实上,许多人甚至似乎对他们的可耻的良好精神的骄傲位。
Today, we, all the Chinese, will live in infamy. 今天,我们,所有中国人,都活在耻辱之中。
But, you see, the infamy from which I have tried to escape is an injurious thing; 但是,请你们注意,我从前想洗雪的那种羞辱,确是一种有害的东西。
Few have passed through this revolutionary period, in the midst of which we were born, without some stain of infamy or blood to soil the uniform of the soldier, or the gown of the magistrate. 我们是在战争时期中长大的,而凡是经过这次战争,很少能不在他军人的制服或法官的长袍上沾染到一些不名誉的污迹或血。
Yet strive I to embrace mine infamy. 但我紧拥恶名,不遗余力。
Cloning would join the unsafe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy. 克隆将作为致畸高手,与不安全药物反应停一样,臭名远扬。