In developing countries, salient son preference causes sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, or female neglect. 在发展中国家,突出的重男轻女倾向造成了性别选择性堕胎、杀害女婴或忽视女性等行为。
This article analyzes Toni Morrison's inheritance and reconstruction of novel creating art of infanticide matrix in Beloved. 本文分析了托尼?莫里森在《宠儿》中对传统杀婴母题小说艺术的继承和重构。
In some cases, female infants were subjected to a high rate of infanticide, or sold as slaves to wealthy families. 在某些情况下,女性婴儿被服从了对杀害婴孩的一种高速率,或销售作为奴隶对富裕的家庭。
In a society which values male children, there has been female infanticide on a vast scale. 因为重男轻女现象的存在,很多女婴没有出生就被流产了。
Not surprising since the chinese have been practicing infanticide of girl babies for generations now, these folks have the least respect for living things in the world. 不奇怪,既然中国人现在已经实践杀害女婴几代人了,这些家伙对这个世界上有生命的东西有最少的尊重。
Female infanticide and fetal resorption are active areas of study. 杀女婴跟胚胎再吸收是现在研究的范围。
Homicide cover the crime of murder, manslaughter and infanticide. 杀人包括谋杀罪,过失杀人和杀害婴儿。
Infanticide and Infant Life ( Preservation) Act 杀婴处置和婴儿生命(保护)法
Million girls in Asia are "missing" because of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or neglect. 因重男轻女观念遭选择性堕胎、谋杀或是刻意忽略而“失踪”的亚洲女孩人数。
In Qing Dynasty, folk infant adopting was popular in Jiangxi, which was a general self saving measure taken by the poor in order to avoid infanticide. 清代江西民间盛行的童养主要是贫家针对溺女而采取的一种最常用的自我拯救方法。
In ancient Greece, two drastic methods were infanticide and exposure of the newborn to the elements. 在古希腊,有两种限制人口数量的过激做法:杀婴和弃婴于自然环境。
Death: Deaths from violence against women include honour killings ( by families for cultural reasons); suicide; female infanticide ( murder of infant girls); and maternal death from unsafe abortion. 死亡:针对妇女的暴力行为造成的死亡包括荣誉杀害(因文化原因被家庭成员杀害)、自杀、溺杀女婴(女婴杀害),以及不安全流产造成的孕妇死亡。
In the earliest days of the one-child policy, this sometimes meant female infanticide. 在独生子女政策实施的起步阶段,这有时意味着杀死女婴。
The Law on the Protection of Juveniles forbids infanticide; however, there was evidence that the practice continued. 该法关于保护未成年人禁止女婴,但有证据表明,这种做法继续下去。
So, the tough reality of Hansel and Gretel in which a mother suggests infanticide as a way out of poverty, is softened by making this character a stepmother. 于是,汉秀和格里泰尔:母亲采取杀孩子来缓解贫困的故事,变成了后母的故事。
"Abortion, child destruction and infanticide" 堕胎、杀胎、杀婴
As for infanticide, you expose your own children and kill the unborn. 至于女婴,你暴露自己的孩子和杀死胎儿。
Parents who committed infanticide were seldom punished by the law. 犯了的父母是很少受法律处罚。
Thus a culture which practices infanticide may view the infant in exactly the same way as we view the newly formed fetus, or perhaps even as we view a plant. 那么,实行杀婴的文化看待婴儿的观点,可能与我们看待新形成的胎儿(可能甚至植物)的观点相同。
It is true, for example, that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not. 例如,有的文化认可杀婴行为,而有的却不是这样。
Meanwhile, the local government and the elite took some positive measures to save infants in order to solve the social problem of infanticide, but the number of the infants that were saved was very small. 当时官府和地方精英为了解决溺女这个社会问题也在积极地拯救,但数量非常少。
It shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide. 禁止溺婴、弃婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。
Infanticide by drowning had been a way for reluctant Chinese parents to rid unwanted newborns. 溺婴,一直是中国父母处理不愿抚育孩子的方式之一。
Infanticide was practised by many early cultures. 很多远古社会都有过杀婴的习俗。
In this paper, we analyze the causes and consequences of the infanticide by the definition of infanticide, and we go further into how to control the infanticide. 文章通过对溺婴行为的界定分析了溺婴的原因及产生的社会后果,并对如何抑制这种现象作了进一步的探讨。
The novel takes an infanticide story as its main thread, and deeply exposes the terrible trauma left by the slavery in the mind of the Black. 小说以一个杀婴故事为主线,深刻揭示了奴隶制在黑奴心灵上所留下的巨大创伤。
Infanticide matrix, as a social phenomenon, has its particular social root. 母亲杀婴自古以来是一种社会现象,有其独特的社会根源。
Results indicate that male invasion of the white-headed leaf monkey reproduction tactics will cause extinction of this population, and infanticide behavior accelerates the speed of extinction. 结果表明白头叶猴的雄性入侵繁殖策略必将导致该种群的灭亡,而杀性行为加快了其灭亡的速度。
From marrying several wives to conducting infanticide then to strong heirs concept, males undoubtedly bring great harm to females. 从迎娶三妻四妾到弃杀女婴再到严重的子嗣观念,男性的这一系列行为无疑给女性的身心带来了巨大的伤害。
Yet through a thorough analysis of the background of the infanticide it is clear that Beloved is a scapegoat victimized by slavery. 若仔细研究当时的杀婴事件的背景,就会显而易见地发现宠儿是被奴隶制度所迫害的替罪羊。