Yes, I said, but given the Tuareg history of betrayal and infighting, could the West trust them? 是的,我说,但考虑到历史上图阿雷格人的背叛和暗斗,西方人能信任他们吗?
The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago. 这次内讧是自从哈马斯在一年前的内战中赶走加沙地带的法塔赫势力以来最严重的一次。
The past few years of infighting and financial chaos have not been a compelling advertisement for the EU. 过去几年的内讧和金融危机可不是什么有说服力的欧盟广告。
Mr Pandit's allies within Citi – a company that has often been riven by infighting among rival factions – insist that he can lead the bank out of the turmoil. 潘伟迪在花旗内部的盟友该银行经常被敌对派系之间的内讧弄得四分五裂坚称,他可以领导这家银行摆脱这场动乱。
There are also questions over whether this grand political bargain can keep the lid, short-term and long-term, on the infighting between Kremlin hardliners and more liberal factions. 另外,这桩重大政治交易能否(从短期和长期角度)掩盖俄罗斯政府内部强硬派与相对自由派系之间的暗斗。
I gather a lot of political infighting went on before he got the top job. 我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。
I won't tolerate staff infighting. 我不会容忍工作人员内哄。
However, his five-year term proved turbulent, marked by political infighting and scandals. 然而,他的五年任期内波谲云诡,动荡不安,充满了政治内斗和丑闻。
Second, when interests before multiple enterprise natural person in front of them and vicious competition infighting mutual shunned events taking place repeatedly. 当利益摆在多个企业自然人面前的时候,恶性竞争明争暗斗相互排挤的事件屡屡发生了;
Instead, Europe's best example of industrial co-operation is mired in political infighting. 可是,这个欧洲工业合作的最好范例却因政治内讧而陷入困境。
The infighting that resulted meant this arrangement has been seldom repeated. 由于这种做法导致的暗斗,此类安排几乎没人再次使用。
The proposal had provoked infighting between agencies in Beijing with conflicting interests in management of the country's financial system and capital account. 该计划引发了北京方面各机构之间的内讧。在管理中国金融体系和资本账户方面,各方存在利益冲突。
Between nations is the same for their respective national interests and infighting the life-and-death survival war: namely, trade war. 在国与国之间同样为各自国家利益而明争暗斗地进行着生死存亡的商战,即贸易战争。
He is the first Japanese leader in a long time to elevate strategic interest above domestic infighting. 安倍是长期以来首位将战略利益置于国内政治斗争之上的日本领导人。
Factional infighting have weaken the party structure. 派别之间的勾心斗角削弱了党的组织。
In Russia, similarly, both the Kremlin and Gazprom are rife with infighting between shifting coalitions. 同样地,俄罗斯政府和俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司两者在摇摆不定的联盟之间也充斥着内斗。
Amid the infighting, Bain has adopted a low profile. 在这场内斗中,贝恩资本采取了低姿态。
This infighting with each other, by the Chinese money inducements, they all yield. 他们在中国的金钱诱饵下混战内讧,最后一一屈服于中国。
Political infighting in Ukraine can largely be understood by the struggle to be the Ukrainian counterparty to the trade. 乌克兰的政治内斗,基本上可解读为争相成为乌克兰方面的贸易对手。
This causes the technology process to degenerate into political infighting, forces foul compromises, and creates delays. 这使得技术过程退化成了立场混战,导致了违反规则的妥协,延迟了规范的发布。
The village was plagued by unemployment, alcoholism and infighting. 失业、酗酒和打架斗殴现象困扰着整个村庄。
Its boardroom has been dominated by infighting for years. 这家公司的董事会多年来一直内斗不断。
Infighting, is earth humanity's a serious mental illness. 明争暗斗,是地球人类的一种严重心理疾病。
That, plus infighting or palace coups inside the Kremlin, where Russia's real political competition takes place. 如果再加上克林姆林宫内的明争暗斗和宫廷政变,一场真正意义上的政治竞争将会一发不可收拾。
Since then the anti-Mugabe movement has foundered because of infighting and intimidation. 从那以后,由于受到政府胁迫加上党内争斗,反对穆加贝的运动江河日下。
And if that target is not reached, the consortium unravels, or there is infighting over mega-programmes? 如果这个目标没有实现,联盟分裂,或者这些大项目出现了内讧怎么办?
Negativity and infighting were common. 消极影响和内部混战司空见惯。
Reason five is, earth people you on earth to contend for away also calculate, well now, ran to our universe to infighting. 理由五是,地球人类你们在地球上争来夺去也就算了,现在好了,跑到我们宇宙中来明争暗斗了。
More energy was spent on infighting within the group than on working for progress. 这个集团把更多的精力花在了内部争斗,而不是努力发展上。
But the tussle between oil companies and oil-rich nations has implications far wider than prompting infighting among the companies. 然而,石油公司和石油储量丰富的国家之间争议的影响,远远不止引发石油公司之间的内讧。