The street protests had been infiltrated by people bent on violence 街头抗议的人群中已经渗入了一些倾向于暴力的人。
A reporter tried to infiltrate into the prison. 一名记者试图混入监狱。
Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic. 一些国家已派间谍渗入了该共和国内部。
The teacher tried to infiltrate her ideas into the children's minds. 老师设法把她的思想渗透到孩子们的心中。
Viruses have managed to infiltrate the cells of every life form known to science. 病毒已成功侵入科学界已知的每一种生命形式的细胞中。
We'll infiltrate through the rooftop and take out the guards here. 我们从屋顶侵入,然后把这儿的守卫解决。
Competition and choice are already beginning to infiltrate the school system. 竞争和选择已开始渗透进入学校系统。
We were buying his help to infiltrate a crime family. 我们付出报酬让他渗透到一个犯罪家庭中去。
Both supplement each other, oppose each other and infiltrate each other. 两者相辅相成,互相对立又互相渗透。
There's no way that he's going to infiltrate sealift. 他是没有办法再渗透到海上补给队去了。
Infiltrate and harm migrant worker ranks. 对农民工队伍进行渗透和破坏。
In political field, economic and political elite influence and infiltrate into each other. 在政治领域,经济精英与政治精英相互影响,相互渗透。
Worms are often the only possibility to infiltrate any kind of damaging programs on systems with restrictive security measures. 蠕虫通常是唯一有可能嵌入在安全方面有问题的系统中的任何破坏性程序的东西。
The company man aged to infiltrate two or three men their rival's Research and Development Unit. 这家公司设法将两三个自己人渗入到他们对手的研究发展部位。
Police attempts to infiltrate the rebel organization. 警方试图打入叛乱组织。
Indeed, competition and choice are already beginning to infiltrate the school system. 实际上,竞争和选择已经开始渗透到学校的体制中。
It contains multiple plant essences and active ingredients, which rapidly infiltrate into pores and soften blackheads. 富含多种植物精华及有效成分,可迅速渗入毛孔,软化黑头。
His assignment was to infiltrate a religious cult. 他的任务是渗入一个宗教组织。
A dense inflammatory infiltrate has replaced glandular epithelium which has been largely destroyed. 浓密的炎性细胞浸润已经取代了正常的腺上皮,腺体破坏严重。
Microscopic machines designed to infiltrate and destroy from within. 从内部渗透并进行破坏的微小机器。
On this basis, I attempt to infiltrate in chemistry teaching the spirit of the humanities teaching practice. 在此基础上尝试开展了在化学教学中渗透人文精神的教学实践。
I know. look, I was trying to infiltrate one of the east side gangs. 我知道,我是在打入东区黑帮的内部。
So we should reinforce to infiltrate humanism and emotional factor into web learning environment. 同时,应加强网络学习环境中人文关怀和情感因素的渗透。
You've coordinated your efforts to infiltrate sd-6and the cia. 你已经尽你的努力,去渗透sd-6和中情局。
He started a secret program to infiltrate terrorists. 并开始进行一项渗入恐怖组织的秘密计划。
Now I have to infiltrate the castle again. 现在我不得不重新潜入城堡。
Members have been active in attempts to infiltrate and disrupt meetings organized by opponents. 成员们积极尝试渗入并破坏对手组织的会议。
We condemn any attempts to infiltrate company networks to obtain user information, Yahoo said. 我们谴责任何试图渗入公司网络、以获取用户信息的行为,雅虎表示。
Among those, many factors can pass time and the obstacles of different styles and infiltrate into each other. 其间许多因素可以穿越时间、穿越文体的壁垒进行渗透和传递。