When those responsible take revenge on the informants or witnesses; (三)对检举人、证人打击报复的;
Authorities are building a case from interviews with federal informants and secretly recorded conversations last fall. 目前有关部门正在整理与联邦内线人员的会谈,以及去年秋天秘密录制的电话录音,进行定案。
Uncle Sam relocated informants to the U.S. 山姆大叔将线人转移到了美国。
Are you one of the informants? 你是告密者之一吗?
Then you must know the remaining two informants. 那你一定知道剩下的告密者。
Southeast Asian informants may be behind this. 可能是中国在东南亚的间谍。
Informants hoping to gain financial reward will often notify the I.R.S. of friends and colleagues falsifying tax returns. 第二种信息来源来自想得到报酬而将朋友和同事虚填纳税申报单通知税务局的人。
Other agencies are now wooing informants, too. 其他机构也对告密者求贤若渴。
If the reporters, complainants or informants wish not to make their names and acts of reporting, complaining or informing known to the public, these shall be kept confidential for them. 报案人、告人、报人如果不愿公开自己的姓名和报案、告、报的行为,应当为他保守秘密。
You mean, wait until all five informants are dead? 你是说等到五个告密者都死掉?
We can identify the informants in a few days. 我们不要几天就能发现这些告密者的身份。
Information received from the two informants didn't match up. 从两个线人那里得到的消息不相符。
Gangs have murdered several children shortly after their releases because of suspicions that they gained their freedom by becoming informants. 海地犯罪团夥已经谋杀了数名被释放的少年犯,因为犯罪团夥怀疑孩子们是因为泄漏了团夥内幕才重获了自由。
The evidence of police informants needs to be treated with caution. 警方情报中搜集的证据应当得到慎重对待。
In fact, the so-called Farc rebels were informants working for the US drug enforcement agency. 事实上,这个所谓的Farc叛军组织是为美国美国缉毒署工作的密探。
In recent years, a kind of media information provider called "People of giving news clues"( or news informants) has appeared in every city of our country. 近年来,在我国各城市都出现了一类被称作“新闻报料人”(或新闻线人)的媒体信息提供者。
The informants were anonymous, how did he know who they were? 告密者是无名氏,他怎么知道告密者是谁?
As in the Galleon case, investigators used court-authorised wire taps of cell phones, hidden recording devices and information from confidential informants to build the case against at least seven of the new defendants named yesterday. 与帆船集团的案件一样,调查人员在法庭的授权下,使用手机窃听、暗藏录音装置和秘密线民提供的信息,针对昨日指名的至少7名新被告人进行取证。
They listened to every phone call, every conversation; they had all of their informants. 他们可以窃听每一个电话,每一次谈话,他们有自己的线人。
"In the Spanish-language sessions, informants perceived females as more self-sufficient and extroverted," they said. “说西班牙语时,被调查者认为女性更自立、更外向。”研究者说。
Assholes use taxi drivers as their informants now. 混蛋们居然用出租车司机当他们的线人。
Quanshan Tian, one of the main informants, and his family. 主要发音人之一田全山先生与他的家人Mr。
Information leaks can compromise safety of informants and undercover operators and the overall success of investigations. 资料泄漏不单危及资料提供者及卧底人员的安全,也影响调查的整体成功率。
So they were all monetarily and materially incented, the informants. 因此对于线人可以用钱和物质的刺激。
After initial census, births and deaths were reported by village informants and updated monthly by project enumerators. 经过初步的普查,由各村庄报告人提供具体的出生和死亡人数并由该项目的人口普查员进行每月更新。
TI publishes regular reports with reliable data concerning corruption. TI points out that some of its informants live locally; others were born there. 透明国际定期发布带有与腐败有关的可靠数据的报告。透明国际指出,接受其调查的人中,一些人在当地生活,其他人则是在那里出生。
And someone who knows this is taking revenge on the informants. 知道真相的人正在报复告密者。
Then someone is killing the informants in the same manner? 所以有人以相同的方式杀害告密者?
We can at least find the identity of the informants. 我们至少可以知道告密者的身份。
At the time, the DoJ was criticised for sending the wrong message to would-be informants. 当时,人们批评美国司法部向潜在举报人传递了错误的信息。