An information-theoretical secure verifiable secret sharing protocol on this kind of access structures is proposed. 提出了这类接入结构上的一个信息论安全的高效可验证秘密分享协议。
Information-Theoretical Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing on Vector Space Access Structures 向量空间接入结构上信息论安全的可验证秘密分享
Based on the summarization of existing conclusions, the paper emphatically studies information-theoretical security issues of broadcast channels with an eavesdropper. 本文在分析一般的广播信道可达速率结论的基础上,着重研究了广播窃听者信道的信息理论安全问题。
This paper analyzes the issue of secure communication from the perspective of the information-theoretical security. 本文从信息理论安全的角度来分析通信系统的安全问题。