I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article 我对奥思太太写出内容如此翔实的文章表示赞许。
Burton's text is concise and informative 伯顿的文章语言简洁,信息丰富。
The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks. 这个展览既能让人增长见识,又紧跟时代前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。
The adverts are not very informative 这些广告并没有包含太多有用信息。
'Holidays That Don't Cost the Earth' is a lively, informative read. 《绿色环保的假期》是本生动有趣、增长见闻的读物。
This intriguing book is both thoughtful and informative. 这本引人入胜的书既有思想性又富知识性。
For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan. 有些建筑的立面图能比平面图提供更多的信息。
The text is precise and informative. 正文内容准确,信息量大。
The informative asides about rural life make this wine guide rather special. 这些有关乡村生活的知识性解说资料使这种酒的广告词颇具特色。
I often read this paper because it's very informative. 我经常读这份报纸,因为它的信息量很大。
I found this extremely helpful and informative infographic prepared by Grammar Net. 我发现一个由语法网准备的一个非常有帮助、涵盖了有用信息的信息图。
It also presents the various standards associated with XMPP and a list of informative links to other XMPP-related information. 它还给出了与XMPP有关的各种标准和其他与XMPP相关的信息的链接列表。
Using titles along with page numbers and column options makes reporting much more attractive and informative. 将标题与页码和列选项一起使用可以使得更报表更有吸引力和信息性。
In each case, the message can be as informative as I like because I'm configuring it myself. 因为消息是我自己配置的,在每一种情况下,它都可以按照我需要的那样提供信息。
Use media guide to find entertaining and informative content on the internet. 使用媒体指南在internet上查找娱乐性和信息性内容。
How can we use the most sensitive and informative molecular and biochemical methods in concert with bioassay techniques? 我们怎样使用和生测技术配套的最灵敏的、信息量最大的分子与生化方法?
We went by many of the recommendations in their welcome booklet which was informative and genuinely helpful. 我们遵从了他们欢迎手册中的许多建议,它们都是信息丰富、真正有用的。
I hope you will find this homepage informative and useful. 希望你会发现网页上的丰富内容和有益效的资料!
We need to design attractive and informative brochures. 我们需要设计吸引人又有丰富信息的手册。
Keep on posting such informative and inspiring pictures, please. 请继续发布此类信息和鼓舞人心的图片。
This article was very informative and eye opening. 此文章是非常翔实和眼睛开放。
It provides informative alerting based on application performance. 它提供了丰富的应用程序性能的基础上报警。
He had an informative talk with his colleague. 他和他的同事进行了一次有益的谈话。
An extremely well-designed, attractive and informative site. 一个非常精心设计的,有吸引力和信息网站。
Not informative or enlightening. 没有教育性或者启发性。
This advertising is informative and factual. 这种广告具有提供情况和符合实际的特点。
You need to be precise and informative. 你需要提供精确有效的信息。
I truly hope you found this writing enjoyable and informative. 我真希望你发现这个写作乐趣和益智。
I found it very informative. 我觉得它提供了很多资讯。
Its highly specialized and informative peer-reviewed articles are easily applicable to clinical practice. 其高度专业化和信息同行评议的文章很容易适用于临床实践。