The legal system of infracting creditor's rights is a significant legal remedy while it is not established in China. 侵害债权制度是一种重要的债权救济制度,但在我国尚未建立。
The second part: the theory background and evolution of the system of the third persons infracting rights of obligee. 第二部分:第三人侵害债权制度的理论背景及演进。
On the Infringement of Statutory Option to Purchase On the Legal System of Infracting Creditor's Rights 论侵害法定先买权浅析侵害债权制度
On the Legal System of Infracting Creditor's Rights 浅析侵害债权制度论采光权之侵害
The article discusses three aspects, which are composing factors of news reports infracting privacy right, balance of this two profits and characters of infracting duty in order to provide some efficient references to justice practice. 本文从新闻报道侵害隐私权的构成要件、两种利益的平衡、侵害责任承担的特点等三个方面进行初步探讨,以期对司法实践提供一些有效的借鉴。
Judicatory actualization of constitution includes two aspects: first, judicature censor to law, statute and decision, order of sanction at larger which infracting the constitution; 宪法司法化具体包括两方面内涵:一是对法律、法规以及具有普遍约束力的决定和命令进行违宪的司法审查;
To civilly protect the name is to identify the action of infracting name right as delict, and charge the actor to undertake civil responsibility. 对姓名权的民法保护,就是认定侵害姓名权的行为为侵权行为,责令行为人承担侵权民事责任。
The fourth part: liability of third persons infracting rights of obligee. 第四部分:第三人侵害债权责任的承担。
Factors, such as the possibly punitive loss which is the result of infracting promise, the possible cost of reconstruction credit and probability to getting increment utility are the impetus to spur the choice of keeping faith. 交易者违约可能受到的惩罚损失、可能的信用重构成本、以及获取增量效用的概率等因素,则是强化交易者选择信用的动力。
Analysis of the Relationship between Credit and Action of Infracting Promise 信用与违约行为的关系分析
At the same time, the discussion enriches such hot questions as nonfigurative administrative behavior and commonweal lawsuit on the nonfigurative administrative nonfeasance and those infracting the commonweal. 同时对抽象的行政不作为与侵害公益的行政不作为的讨论,丰富了理论界关于抽象行政行为与公益诉讼等热点问题的探讨。
Copyright indirect infringement is an act of tort that the actor has no implementation of behavior of infracting intellectual property proprietary rights, but implementation of helping acts of infringement of proprietary rights, or abetting acts to lure others to infringe the proprietary rights. 著作权间接侵权行为是行为人没有实施受知识产权专有权利控制的行为,但却为他人实施侵害专有权利的行为提供帮助或者教唆、引诱他人实施侵害专有权利的行为。
In China, during the social transformation period, many incidents infracting public interests happen frequently in recent years, while the litigation system protecting public interests has not been established. 正处于社会转型期的中国近年来频繁发生侵害公共利益的事件,而保护公共利益的诉讼制度尚未构建起来。
Right of internet privacy is infracted continually in recent years. People pay more attention to how to confirm the liability of infracting right of internet privacy. 近年来网络环境下隐私权被侵害的情形不断发生,如何确定网络环境下隐私权侵权责任越来越受到人们的关注。
This paper argues that the nature of damages should be the non-performing debt; the range should include the possible benefits of the observant part, on the condition that the damages are caused by infracting termination. 本文认为,违约导致合同解除的情况下,损害赔偿的性质应为债务不履行的损害赔偿,范围应包括守约方的可得利益。