Patents threaten the free-and-open-source eco-system, however, in that none of the key open-source freedoms can be practiced if an outsider can establish that a given piece of software infringes a valid patent he holds. 然而,免费开源软件的生态系统正受到专利权的威胁:如果联盟外部的某个人能够证实软件的某一特定构件侵犯了他合法持有的专利权,这些重要的开源自由就无从落实。
If a guardian does not fulfil his duties as guardian or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of his ward, he shall be held responsible; if a guardian causes any property loss for his ward, he shall compensate for such loss. 监护人不履行监护职责或者侵害被监护人的合法权益的,应当承担责任;给被监护人造成财产损失的,应当赔偿损失。
Article 81 If anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of teachers, educatees or schools or other institutions of education, thus causing losses or damage, he shall bear civil liabilities according to law. 第八十一条违反本法规定,侵犯教师、受教育者、学校或者其他教育机构的合法权益,造成损失、损害的,应当依法承担民事责任。
From the Traditional Permission of Concealment to the Special Immunity of the Relatives as Witness; It is often happened that news right infringes private right and connective private right is often neglected and violated. 新闻权侵入隐私权时有发生,特别容易被忽视和侵犯的是关联隐私权。
Google's open source Android operating system is not as free as it seems, Microsoft argues, because it infringes a number of patents. Google的开源Android操作系统并不如看起来的那样免费,微软论述,因为它侵犯了一系列专利权。
It is safe to accord with someone's will and regulations. He, who infringes rules, would receive punishment. 顺遂某人的意志,合乎规定的就没事,违背规矩的就会受到一定程度的处罚;
The beneficiary seriously infringes upon the rights of any of the other joint beneficiaries; 受益人对其他共同受益人有重大侵权行为;
An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers, shall be the organ under compensatory obligations. 受行政机关委托的组织或者个人在行使受委托的行政权力时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,委托的行政机关为赔偿义务机关。
The inquiry infringes on people's privacy. 这项调查侵犯了公民的隐私权。
Any unwarranted policy which infringes on the xians 'interests and in which they have a say, I do not worry about. 任何不明智的政策,侵犯了县的利益而县有权说话的,我不担心。
By entering this Competition, Entrant warrants that Entry does not infringes on the intellectual Property rights of others. 参加此设计竞赛,参赛者保证,参赛作品不侵犯他人之知识产权。
The open secret is that everyone infringes everyone else's patents in some way. 每个人都或多或少侵犯了他人的专利,这已经是公开的秘密。
Congressmen may be reluctant to vote for legislation that infringes the traditional prerogatives of the states. 美国国会议员可能不情愿投票拥护侵犯各州传统特权的立法。
In the event that a third party infringes such intellectual property rights, the Parties shall cooperate with one another to take appropriate action to cause such infringement to cease. 如果第三方侵犯该等知识产权,双方应互相合作,采取适当的行动制止该侵权行为。
What if someone infringes my patent right? 如果有人侵犯我的专利权怎么办?
Some say the law infringes on their rights. 有人说这项法律侵害到他们的权利。
Bribery election infringes villagers'election right, cultivates corruption, ruins the ethos and endangers social stability in rural area. 乡村贿选侵犯了村民的选举权,滋生了村官腐败现象,败坏了社会风气,危及到农村的社会稳定。
Excessive gap in income distribution not only deviates from social fairness and justice, but also directly infringes the vital interests of the people. 摘要收入分配过大不仅背离了社会公平和正义,而且直接侵害了人民群众的切身利益。
The national administration compensation system of "the Expectant Duty behavior" means that the nation undertakes the compensative responsibility when "the Expectant Duty behavior" of administration illegally infringes on legitimate rights and interests of the administered and does the harm. 摘要“准职务行为”国家行政赔偿是指行政主体的“准职务行为”在违法侵犯行政相对人合法权益并造成损害时,由国家承担行政赔偿责任。
If the person infringes their perimeter dogs will bite him. 如果该人侵犯其周边的狗会咬他。
A violation of a constitutional infringes contractual rights and may give rise to an action for breach of contract. 对公司章程的违反是对合同权利的破坏,并可能引发违约诉讼。
2 either of the parties should bear responsibilities for compensation if it violates this contract, infringes upon the interests of the other party and causes damages to the other party. 若合同任何一方违反本合同以及损害本合同另一方的利益并给本合同另一方造成损害,该方承担违约责任。
Life of human extending artificially is called stagnancy which infringes the law of Nature. 人类寿命无端地延长就是“积”。而“积”是违背自然之道的。
If an action is brought against Reseller claiming that a Product infringes a patent or copyright. 如果转售商被起诉并被对产品侵犯专利或版权索赔。
Where the receiving party to a technology import contract infringes another person's lawful rights and interests by using the technology supplied by the supplying party, the supplying party shall bear the liability therefore. 技术进口合同的受让人按照合同约定使用让与人提供的技术,侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人承担责任。
Whoever infringes upon such rights shall be dealt with by legal means. 侵害使用权和承包经营权的,无论是什么人,都将受到法律追究。
No licensing information was found after searching your computer. Either no license information is available or you are not logged on as an administrator. Whoever infringes upon such rights shall be dealt with by legal means. 搜索计算机后未找到授权信息。没有可用的许可证信息,或者您没有作为管理员登录。侵害使用权和承包经营权的,无论是什么人,都将受到法律追究。
Other information that infringes the law; 其他违反国家法律的内容;
So you make sure no one infringes on our rights. 所以你要确保没有人能侵犯我们的权利。
The companies also argue that the new obligation infringes on their commercial freedoms as bestowed by international trade rules. 这些公司还指出,新义务侵犯了国际贸易规则给予他们的商业自由。