The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived. 影片的构思相当巧妙。
The ingeniously designed restaurant has never had water inside, instead it was built on dry land in Singapore before workers carefully lowered it into the ocean in one piece. 这家设计精妙的餐厅中从未进过水,因为它是在新加坡的陆地上建造完成,然后由工人小心翼翼地整个放入海中。
Accurately Drawing Formula Curve and Surface by Using Excel ingeniously in AutoCAD Surrounding 巧用Excel在AutoCAD中精确绘制公式曲线曲面
VAUDE leads the way by ingeniously combining the use of different seamless processing technologies to create a pack that is entirely welded. VAUDE创造性地结合使用不同无缝贴合技术制作出这款一体贴合的背包。
The show ingeniously combined actors and marionettes. 这个表演创造性地将演员和木偶结合在一起。
This kind confuses one for the other grafts must be fastidious about the cutting out skill, the work which the attention and the leadership are in charge of tallies ingeniously, not shows. 这种张冠李戴的嫁接要讲究裁剪技巧,注意与领导分管的工作巧妙吻合、不露痕迹。
The owner of the garden designed it ingeniously. 园林的主人构思巧妙。
The other day, our reporter learned from an enterprise of Chengzhou that they have ingeniously manufactured an environment-friendly biodegradable plastic& maize plastic which smells of fresh maize. 近日,记者从嵊州一家企业获悉,他们独辟蹊径生产出了一种可降解的环保塑料&玉米塑料,且闻起来有一股玉米的清香。
Since the first generation of Laos who settled down there, the idea of Fengshui has been entrenched in their minds and ingeniously incorporated in the architecture. 从第一代落户大芦村的劳氏祖先开始,“风水”这一理念就在他们的头脑中根深蒂固,并巧妙地融合于建筑之中。
The poetic realism is good at describing the natural scenery and the person's psychology with lyric emotion and combining them ingeniously. 诗意现实主义作品以抒情方式描写自然景色和人物心理活动见长,善于将人的心理活动与自然巧妙结合起来。
The fiction ingeniously implies the major theme of rise and decline, weal and woe through its various plots related to the mirror. “风月宝鉴”是全书的一个大隐喻,书中通过各种与镜子有关的情节巧妙地暗示出“盛衰荣辱”的大主题。
The pursuit of happiness, beauty, safety and luck of Chinese people are ingeniously and carefully demonstrated through the names of hutongs, the renovation of buildings and interior decoration. 从胡同的名称,到建筑的装饰,乃至室内的陈设,都非常讲究、非常巧妙地传达出中国老百姓对对幸福、美好、平安、吉祥的追求。
In addition, the artist has applied a few horizontal strokes ingeniously across the brownish background to enrich the color layering of the whole piece. 而右方的棕色背景,艺术家又随意的点上几道横间,看似随意,却又使画面色彩有了更多层次感。
Rather than simply relying on found footage, directors Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas have ingeniously animated actual still photos of Bill to recreate the scenes their interviewees describe on screen. 不仅仅是旧片重制那样简单,导演马特·哈洛克和保罗·托马斯生动的再现了比尔在照片中的场景,并且采访了当时在场的人。
The word "communication" has been concerned by all circles of society, and there are also different opinions on how ingeniously to improve communication skills. 沟通这个词一直广受社会各界的关注,关于如何及巧妙地提高沟通技巧的见解也是众说纷纭。
He is good at creating works with this theme, so he always can write ingeniously with exquisite description. 他最善于创作这类题材的作品,每每能够妙笔生花。
In terms of practicality, the design ingeniously saves space. 在实用价值方面,巧妙的构思节省了空间;
A piece of mechanism ingeniously contrived 一件设计巧妙的机械装置
It was ingeniously designed so that one can enjoy the view from all four sides. 它设计得真妙,从四面八方都可以赏景。
"Hong Lou Meng" author Cao Xueqin has utilized north the Beijing accent unique performance function-son word ingeniously, causes the novel to fill popular, personalized, the interest characteristic. 《红楼梦》作者曹雪芹巧妙地运用了北京话特有的表现功能-儿化词,使小说充满大众化、个性化、趣味化的特点。
It was suggested that designer can use these emotion symbols ingeniously to perfect the design which will better orient the product and create unique emotional atmosphere of the product. 设计师可以在设计中巧妙使用这些情感符号元素,更好地定位产品,创造独特的产品情感意境,以达到更完美的设计效果。
Its modern, fashion, artistic, natural and practical design ingeniously embellishes and grows artistic life taste. 安邦的造型时尚,美观大方,新颖实用,巧妙地为您点缀和衍生艺术的生活品味。
Ingeniously integrated aristotle's theory with Christian theology, Aquinas successfully demonstrated the relationship between the reason and belief, and set up mature and systematic theological legal theory based on the combination of will and reason, natural law and divine law. 摘要阿奎那把亚里斯多德的理论与基督教神学巧妙地结合起来,从哲学上论证了理性和信仰的关系,并把意志和理性、自然法和神法结合了起来,创立了完备而系统的神学法学体系。
They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an opera-comique setting. 他们巧妙地把一些人物或事件揉合到一起编出一幕喜剧。
They use the exquisite skills, ingeniously carved pose of the object to use performance figures or animal emotions, make the sculpture is full of vigor and more close to the life. 他们运用精湛的技巧,巧妙地使用雕刻对象的动势来表现人物又或者动物的内心情感,使雕刻作品充满了生机,也更加贴近生活。
Thus, the emperor-to-be ingeniously took the city and his throne. 于是,朱元章巧妙地夺取了皇帝宝座。
The entire control rack demonstrates vanguard's digital instrument and the traditional indicator gauge board unifies ingeniously. 整个仪表控制台将前卫的数字仪表显示与传统指针仪表盘巧妙结合。
The tiny pattern, carves, the crustification, all ingeniously forms the design style which Tibet plays the part of, and sends out strongly ancient, the earth taste. 细小的花纹,镂刻、嵌,都巧妙地形成藏饰的设计风格,并散发出浓烈的古、味。
Ruth smiled so ingeniously at the fairy story that both men burst into laughter. 露丝笑眯眯地听着这个神话,样子那么天真,引得那两个男人都哈哈大笑起来。
Formerly she chooses more loose clothes, covers up the excrescence ingeniously; 以往她都是选择较为宽松的衣服,巧妙地遮掩赘肉;