He wouldn't have accepted such an inglorious outcome. 他本来不会接受这种不光彩的结局。
On March 1, 2006, Siebel systems no longer existed as an independent entity, a rather inglorious end to a once unassailable company. 2006年3月1日,希柏系统就不再作为独立实体存在了,对于一个一度似乎坚不可摧的公司来说,这个结局可真不怎么光彩。
People also picked out some fashion moments that were just inglorious, including unfortunate red carpet appearances by Rita Wilson, the actress wife of Tom Hanks, and former screen siren Sharon Stone. 《人物》杂志还评选出一些不雅的时尚瞬间,包括汤姆汉克斯的妻子、女星利塔威尔森和前银幕性感妖女莎朗斯通尴尬的红毯秀。
Value your moment in the arms of Yale, for they will soon find a new mistress after the depreciation of your inglorious little face. When the time comes, I shall acquire immense satisfactory. 珍惜你在Yale怀里的日子吧,看厌了你那张不体面的小脸,他很快会找一个新情妇.当那时来临,我将得到极大的满足。
A new chapter in China's long and inglorious history of airport delays is being written in Shanghai, but the details of how it started and when it will end are as opaque as the banks of smog that hover over the nation's busiest runways. 在上海,中国漫长而不光彩的航班延误史上又添新篇章,但关于这次延误何以出现以及将于何时结束的具体情况仍不明朗,中国最繁忙的跑道正笼罩在重重迷雾之下。
Trying to keep pace with them is doomed to inglorious failure, especially as the pace has quickened so much. 任何试图赶上他们步伐的努力都注定要黯然失败,尤其当他们加快步伐的时候。
But, what I want to say is us the difference that these inglorious tea do not compare a brand certainly. 可是,我想说的是我们这些不出名的茶叶不一定就比品牌的差。
Saving banks is an inglorious pursuit. 拯救银行是一项不大光彩的事情。
Rudolph's choice was inglorious. 鲁道夫的选择是不光彩的。
Governments also have an inglorious history of getting even the basics right. 各国政府甚至还有把基本原则搞错的不光彩历史。
Mr Yung's linguistic challenges in Hong Kong, his long-time home, speak volumes about the tycoon, whose career came to an inglorious end on Wednesday. 荣智健在他长期定居的香港所遭到的语言上的挑战,充分体现了这位大亨的人生他的职业生涯在4月8日不光彩的画上了句号。
Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.-Napoleon Bonaparte. 死亡不算什么,但若羞辱地苟活,每天都像在死去一般。-拿破仑-波拿巴。
He left behind an inglorious political career to start his own business. 他弃绝过去不光彩的政治生涯,开始经商。
Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest. 有些痴哑、不体面的米尔顿也许能在这儿安息。
For London to be singled out initially as the only capital with Budapest to have said "no" is inglorious. 在一开始就成为匈牙利唯一的同伴、与之一同说“不”,对英国来说不大光彩。
That increases the risk that some manufacturers will one day face the same inglorious fate some US counterparts did in this downturn. 这增大了这样一种可能性:与一些美国汽车制造商在本轮危机中的遭遇一样,一些欧洲制造商终有一天会面临同样不体面的命运。
The government played an inglorious role in the conflict. 政府在这场冲突中扮演了不光彩的角色。
He came to a bad end; the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end. He was not involved in any affair that had tragic consequences. 他没有被牵扯进任何一个有悲惨结局的事件之中。
Inglorious past history of the West, history is far from over. 西方过去的历史不光彩,历史也远远没有结束。
This is also an aspect that can show a soldier of fortune always restless and wanting travel and adventure. He will never forget that inglorious flight when he was in the army. 这是个相位,还能指出永远不知疲累及渴望旅行探险的雇佣兵。他永远也不会忘记他当兵时的一次不名誉的逃亡。
Old Lane had an inglorious end. OldLane不光彩地结束了。
On one hand, translation played an inglorious part in facilitating the colonization process. The author analyzes translation views that were popular in colonial times; 翻译在殖民进程中扮演着双重角色:一方面它推进了殖民进程,作者在这里分析了盛行于殖民时代的翻译理论;