New properties emerge because of our embeddedness in social networks, and these properties inhere in the structure of the networks, not just in the individuals within them. 由于我们身陷其中,新的网络属性会出现,而这些属性是继承在网络的结构之中,不仅仅是在网络中的个人身上。
This device not only improves deficiency of inhere cage path rope, but also achieves cage path rope self-detect and self-modulate intelligentize run. 这套设备不仅改善了原罐道绳拉紧的不足,而且实现了罐道绳自检自调智能化运行。
Expressing the weakening of inhere value ideal and the increasing of request on the economic benefit are the basic parts of the change on the meaning of the singing and dancing activities. 表达原有价值观念的减弱及经济利益诉求的加大是这些歌舞活动意义变化的基本方面。
Although Iser brings the reader more fully into the interpretive process, he does not find the locus of meaning to inhere in the reader. 虽然伊瑟尔更彻底地将读者带入解释过程,他并没有将意义重心置于读者之中。
Welcome to English and Chinese, This section is an Englishcorner, We can study English, release emotion, scatter thinking inhere! 欢迎来到“英文与汉语”,这里是一个学习语言,释放情感,挥洒思想的交流天地!
You don't have to stay inhere with me, Papa, if it bothers you. 你不必待在这里陪我,爸爸,要是这件事令你烦恼的话。
The most significant change that has occurred in the field of literary criticism and hermeneutics is in where the locus of meaning is perceived to inhere. 文学批评和解释学领域发生最大变化的是关于意义究竟存在于何处的问题。
Analyse the affect of angular rigidity of spring system to inhere frequency of stator and inhere frequency of the shell in different boundary. 并分析其弹性系统的刚度对定子固有频率的影响和基座在不同边界条件下定子的固有频率。
It is the most important problem that improving the basic structure of imprinter, advancing the inhere frequency of imprinter and reforming the dynamic performance of equipment. 对胶印机的基础件结构进行改进,从而提高印刷机本身的固有频率,改善设备的动态性能就成为了一个核心的问题。
Combined inhere GIS data, the more perfect classification result can be obtain. 结合原有GIS数据,用地学知识和DTM模型纠正初步分类图,得到较理想的分类结果。
We argue that first we should make good situations to absorb foreign capital, including purifying the investment environment in China's security market and solving some inhere problems; 首先,我国证券市场应该采取策略创造条件吸引外资,其中包括净化我国证券市场的环境以及解决一些固有的问题;
So, how to break through the inhere mode, to form a flexible storage system in mechanical structure and management, is the new task, and it is attention by investigators internal and overseas. 因此,如何突破现有存储系统的固有模式,形成在机械结构和管理上都能够适应现代化生产要求的柔性存储系统,成为现代化存储技术研究的新课题,倍受国内外研究者的关注。
Web service has it's own character and superiority relative to inhere component technology. It is a new kind of distributed component technology, and some respect key technique is needed to be more developed and standardized. Web服务相对原有的组件技术而言有其自身的特点和优势,是一种新型的分布式组件技术,但有关的核心技术和协议还有待进一步发展和标准化。
In fact, under the background of a harmonious society, the affinity is the inhere characteristic of the police power in China. 实质上,在和谐社会背景下的社会主义中国,亲和力是警察权的应有特质。
In the second part, a brief history of the evolvement of network computing is presented and inhere defects of traditional C/ S mode are pointed out. 第二部分简要描述了网络计算模式的演化过程,指出了传统C/S模式的固有缺陷,论述了B/S模式的出现对传统管理信息系统的影响以及基于B/S的管理信息系统的结构。
The reinforce mechanism of SPP ( Sulphonated Petroleum Products) liquid stabilizer is researched and the method on which soil could be reinforced on the platform of soil mini-structure by making the most of soil inhere component was discussed. It's investigated by the tests of CEC. 本文通过探索性的研究SPP(SulphonatedPetroleumProducts,石油磺化制品)类液体稳定剂对土质的加固机理,探讨从通过充分利用土的原有成分而在土细观结构平台上对土质进行加固的途径。
This paper states the problem adding floor on inhere building and bring forward several aspects to think over. 本文就如何对原有建筑物的增层加高问题进行了详细的叙述,并提出在加高后应考虑的几个方面。
The study and design of the Multiple Process Automatic Switching System solved the problem that process switching of inhere plant is totally depended on manual operation. 多工况自动切换系统的研究和开发解决了原有装置中工况的切换完全靠手工操作的问题,实现了多工况的自动切换。
This paper analyzes several expressions about shape as an inhere character of objects, and discusses each description of shape based on area and edge. 本文分析了形状作为目标的一种固有特征的各种表达方法,并从基于区域和基于边界两个方面讨论了形状的各种描述方法。
Secondly, the modal analysis method is used to obtain the inhere frequency and mode of the viberation; 应用模态分析法求解系统的固有频率和振型;
Say, every epochal progress of science and technology may bring a material breakthrough of inhere thinking method. 可以说科学技术每一次划时代的进步无不带有对原有思维方式的一定程度的改变,甚至实质性的突破。
The corporate deadlock is the result that the inhere contradiction in the structure of the inside corporate governance and the system arrange of the corporate law integrate in the close corporation. 公司僵局是公司尤其是封闭型公司内部治理结构的固有矛盾与公司法上的制度安排结合作用的产物。
On the Developmental Space of Commercial Graphic in China commercial graphic would be supplied with favorable conditions by society culture environments and with essential inhere conditions by excellent Chinese painting technique and modern painting technique. 社会文化环境为商业绘画提供了良好的生长土壤;优秀的传统绘画技术和正在发展的现代数字绘画技术为商业绘画提供了其发展所必要的内在条件;
The problem does not exist as an individual case, and instead it is a common one, reflecting the inhere contradictions of emergency management system, which can be concluded as the dilemma of emergency management system. 这些问题的存在不是个案,而是一个普遍的问题,它反映了应急管理体制的固有矛盾,即应急管理体制困境。
The contents consist of two parts, one is the analysis of the system, inhere the local structure of the solution near its equilibrium is given; and the other is the research of control strategy. 本文包含两部分内容,第一部分是系统的分析,主要得到了系统在平衡点附近解的结构;第二部分是系统的控制策略,通过极点配置,使系统达到了指数稳定。
Large-scale power systems in infirm interconnections which inhere weak natural damping sometimes bring a low frequency self-oscillation phenomenon. 大型弱联系的电力系统本身固有的薄弱的自然阻尼使得电力系统之间有时会产生自发的低频振荡现象。
And the dissertation maintains that cross-boundary environmental issues involve a strong externality. Externality influences pollution emission and inhere relationship between economic growth and environment. 在跨界环境问题上,本文指出,跨界环境具有很强的外部性,外部性的存在影响地方污染的排放水平,并且跨界环境能影响经济增长与环境的既定关系。
In these complicated processes, also there are time-delay phenomena widely, inhere time-delay of the object controlled bring quite difficulty for analyzing and synthesizing system. 在这些复杂的被对象当中,常还广泛地存在着时滞现象,受控对象的固有时滞给系统分析和综合带来很大困难。
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