v. 继承(金钱、财产等); 经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等); 接替(责任等); 继任 inherit的现在分词
VERB 继承(金钱或财产) If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died.
He has no son to inherit his land. 他没有儿子来继承田产。
...paintings that he inherited from his father. 他从父亲那里继承来的油画
...people with inherited wealth. 继承了财富的人
VERB (从前人、前任等)接过,得到 If you inherit something such as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it from the people who used to have it, for example because you have taken over their job or been influenced by them.
The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors... 这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。
Our legal system inherited laws from the English system. 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。
...the inherited wisdoms contained in its social hierarchy. 社会等级划分中所包含的传承下来的智慧
VERB 经遗传获得(特征、特质等) If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it.
We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics... 我们的许多身体特征都是从父母那里遗传而来的。
Her children have inherited her love of sport... 她的孩子们继承了她对运动的热爱。
Stammering is probably an inherited defect. 口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷。
On the Function of TV for Inheriting and Carrying forward the Dancing Art 电视在传承和弘扬舞蹈艺术中的作用
The quality of culture refers to the scale and scope of a person inheriting the fruits of human civilization. 文化品质是指一个人接受继承人类文明成果的广度和深度。
Therefore, education, especially school education, should shoulder up the mission of protecting, inheriting and innovating intangible cultural heritage of ethnic minorities in the modern society. 因此,教育尤其是学校教育应肩负起少数民族非物质文化遗产在现代社会中保存、传承和创新的历史使命。
This is a simple example of inheriting characteristics of multiple interfaces. 这是一个简单的用多接口来模仿多重继承的例子。
The development of traditional Chinese medicine must follow the course of inheriting, developing, opening up and innovating. 发展中医药事业,必须走继承、发扬、开拓、创新的道路。
By inheriting from this class, developers can implement provider specific behavior in their own code. 通过继承此类,开发人员可在自己的代码中实现提供程序特定的行为。
To commemorate and study Zheng He means inheriting and carrying forward the "Zheng He Spirit". 提要:纪念与研究郑和,就是要继承与发扬郑和精神。
By means of inheriting and transforming personality in Roman law, we can establish a modem civil subject system. 通过承继并改造罗马法人格制度建立现代民事主体制度。
Study on Inheriting and Developing Strategy of Hebei Traditional Wushu in the Context of Harmonious Society 和谐社会背景下河北省传统武术继承与发展策略研究
If you are inheriting from timer, you can override this method. 如果从timer继承,则可以重写此方法。
The criminal review system of the Song Dynasty has further developed and been perfected after inheriting that of the Tang Dynasty, with a more reasonable and deliberate system construction. 在继承唐代刑事复审制度的基础上,宋代刑事复审制度有了进一步的发展和完善,制度建构更趋合理、缜密,对刑事案件的公正处理起到了积极作用。
Inheriting is a rule, is also the shortcut of development. 继承是一个规律,也是发展的捷径。
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle the erase background request from windows. 继承类应重写此方法,以处理来自窗口的清除背景的请求。
On one hand, I'm inheriting a new son-in-law. 一方面,我现在有了一个女婿。
How to correctly deal with the relation between criticizing and inheriting with synthesizing and innovation of china's traditional culture is an important problem in the course of realizing the modern transform of china's traditional culture. 摘要如何正确处理中国传统文化的批判与继承、综合与创新的关系,是实现中国传统文化的现代转换过程中的一个重要问题。
Research on the Problem Inheriting and Developing the Chinese Old Famous Enterprises 'Visual Element 中国老字号视觉元素继承和发展问题研究
A class containing ( or inheriting) one or more pure virtual functions is an abstract base class. 类包含或者继承一个或多个纯虚函数,这样的类就是抽象基类。
She has a guilt complex about inheriting so much money from her father. 她对继承了父亲这么多钱而深感内疚。
She is inheriting the company. 她将继承那间公司。
While inheriting the essence of the traditional technology, Moutai is glimmering with the achievements of the modern science. 茅台酒在继承传统酿造工艺精华的基础上,更闪烁着现代科技的光彩。
John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition. 约翰•韦恩、格雷厄姆•斯威夫特和朱利安•巴恩斯都是这一传统中继往开来的重要人物。
In this process, the teachers played the vital role in disseminating civilization and inheriting culture. 在这一过程中,古代广东的教师们在传播文明、传承文化方面发挥了重要作用。
Based on inheriting national folk traditional crafts, it develops its originally possessed items with creativeness. 在继承民族民间传统技艺的基础上,发展与创新、活原有节目。
China is currently in a period of great historical significance inheriting the past and opening future. 中国目前正处于一个具有重大历史意义的承前启后、继往开来的时期。
Their Object-chanting Poems were unique and personal while inheriting the traditional images. 他们的咏物诗意象既有传承性,又独具个性。
This privileged, one-child generation has high disposable income through work or inheriting all their parents 'assets. 通过工作或继承父母的全部资产,这一代生逢其时的独身子女拥有相当高的可支配收入。
Firstly it summarized criminal legislation of Nanjing national government period inheriting to the prehominid and development; 首先概述了南京国民政府时期刑事立法对前人的继承和发展;